New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

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Grow 1.2 Day 28
Gave them there first proper water with good run off, 4ltr each.
1ml bio silicon, 1ml old times grow, 3ml seaweed, 1ml cal-mag

Had the first real cold day in my part of the UK. The smaller tent dropped to 16.5c-17c lights off (20c -21c max lights on) with heater on and the main tent kept a steady 20c-21c with lights off (23c-27c lights on)... I think the main tent is drawing most of the heat from the heat box. This I think is happening because the main tent has 5" extraction and the smaller tent 4", its just not pulling the heat in as much. I think in the new year I will just run the main tent until the worst of the cold has gone.


can't leave the main tent out
Looking wonderful slater! Truely :p

Have to say the only downside of having a hip, hip, hip, lady...
Having to roll 2 joints every time you want to smoke 1 lmao ;)

What you make your misses joints lol.mine makes her own she says i put to much in hahahahahahaha
What you make your misses joints lol.mine makes her own she says i put to much in hahahahahahaha
luckily not anymore she's just popped 1 out :p
But yea, apparantly "mine are much nicer" but that's only because il make her a big fat 1 that knocks her out so I can watch my own shit on TV haha