Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

I used my aurora nutes on the tomatoes. The elemental for added calcium and of course the guanos. Threw in the oregonism to make microbes in the soil happy! You checked eye in the organic section?
Yes I've read alot of eyes postings and i love the stuff I just think I need some time to get the basics down before I jump off head deep into it. But eyes is the Man on organics and I want to be like eyes in future as far as growing goes !!!
He really is a master! The aurora nutes have all that mixed in, proportioned well. The three part series i use a lot. Foundation, grow and bloom. One tsp a week. 3 lbs will last a long time :headbang:
He really is a master! The aurora nutes have all that mixed in, proportioned well. The three part series i use a lot. Foundation, grow and bloom. One tsp a week. 3 lbs will last a long time :headbang:
Just noticed I picked wrong ones on my sample hahaha but hey was just shipping cost so I can get the rest and yes He is really intelligent about organics. I'm looking all the Aurora nutes out now hahaha
Yup, its a bunch if nutes. The oregonism is the smallest bag but its really expensive stuff. Read about it here first. I'm totally happy with the ferts. And i go sparingly, never pushed until this grow. Just started working with the guano.
Yup, its a bunch if nutes. The oregonism is the smallest bag but its really expensive stuff. Read about it here first. I'm totally happy with the ferts. And i go sparingly, never pushed until this grow. Just started working with the guano.
On autoflowers with this nute line up do you still go light with like a 1/4 strength and increase or just go by feed chart?
I mixed the gbd in the base soil. Top dress 1 tsp of the nutes and water it in. Used 1/2 tsp of guanos this run. Never went higher. I will use a tsp of the foundation and a tsp of grow or bloom together. I dont ever remember using 2 of each. But im not an aggressive feeder. Dont need the biggest, just good quality!
And did i say i never ph water? Im a lazy ass. But really, my grow buddy tends the plants. He is 80 and will NOT mess with ph or any of that. Hes usually too stoned! But he will water them, sometimes too much. This came from necessity if the grow was to happen.
I mixed the gbd in the base soil. Top dress 1 tsp of the nutes and water it in. Used 1/2 tsp of guanos this run. Never went higher. I will use a tsp of the foundation and a tsp of grow or bloom together. I dont ever remember using 2 of each. But im not an aggressive feeder. Dont need the biggest, just good quality!
Perfect thanks bro!!! And yes me to I want good smoke I can always grow more I'm not looking to win a size trophies hahaha just want it to kill pain and make me slobber on myself lol