Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.


Auto Haze is 74 Days from seed today she is starting to look good to me now was just a beautiful plant but now she is getting some really Fat and smelly buds✌️ she is drinking good and steady now and she seems to be really filling in and getting some brown ish hairs she has a mild smell untill you touch her then she puts off a really nice pine smell and a hint of skunk! Not sure How long she will go but I'm gonna let her go as long as I can. I already think she will out yeild my skunk she has some buds several over a foot long and there getting Heaver by the day.

My skunk I have in jars I got 2 OZ off her dry. I've smoked about half oz of that already hahaha but I have one oz curing and I'm gonna leave it for at least 5-6 weeks before I get into it or may just let it cure for a nice Christmas treat. But none the less iets really good smoke I love the stone it has and the pain relief it gives me I'm very satisfied with it even the smell and taste is different with a week in a jar so good Thanks again to all that has Helped and encourage me through this ✌️✌️

88 Days today she still chugging along.
I've used Mammoth P the entire bloom phase and right before flower as well. I've also use HPK from Roots organic
PK 13 14 from Canna
And today used Buddha bloom from Roots organic on her. I did notice some lighting burn on her leafs so I raised them a bit lol but for the most part the COBs has really made a huge difference in her.
She is getting close to finishing up and I'm ready to test drive a bud lol Auto Haze
Man!! Sorry for the late arrival. Saw the link in the product review and decided to step in. Can’t believe how long she is going but it looks like it’s well worth the wait. Amazing growth and amazing health too. Do you have anything planned behind this?

I chopped the Haze yesterday she was much bigger than my siunk, she also has very little smell and her buds are not as dense as the skunk as well.
I don't have a wet weight but will post a dry on soon she looking like a good yeild I'm hoping the smoke is Killer and I will post a smoke report when some is dry looks like I will have some meds for a bit now✌️