Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

Just a quick update since I seen the seeds I got bummed out which that's also one my mental challenge I face daily that and bad anxiety lol but I'm past that now!!! I finally twisted up that bud I snipped and it was a good smoke still have over half a joint and another whole joint out of that one bud and dry it didn't even weight a gram lol but was a nice sweet skunk smell Ash burned clean and I got to say I got fucking ripped!! Now I've only been smoking shit weed for a couple months so I actually got a good clear High!! It smells really sweet though I like a more skunky smell but I will take this and I think after I cure it then I be even more happy. I'm thinking I'm gonna chop it this weekend I will put a few pics up next day or two and see what you guys think but a few buds have several Amber's and a few buds still have a lot of clear tricomes so we will see but she looking good . Still need to understand why she seeded but that only for info lol
Just a quick update since I seen the seeds I got bummed out which that's also one my mental challenge I face daily that and bad anxiety lol but I'm past that now!!! I finally twisted up that bud I snipped and it was a good smoke still have over half a joint and another whole joint out of that one bud and dry it didn't even weight a gram lol but was a nice sweet skunk smell Ash burned clean and I got to say I got fucking ripped!! Now I've only been smoking shit weed for a couple months so I actually got a good clear High!! It smells really sweet though I like a more skunky smell but I will take this and I think after I cure it then I be even more happy. I'm thinking I'm gonna chop it this weekend I will put a few pics up next day or two and see what you guys think but a few buds have several Amber's and a few buds still have a lot of clear tricomes so we will see but she looking good . Still need to understand why she seeded but that only for info lol

Great smoke report! That bodes well for the harvest. These girls do what they want and sometimes without reason.
Last night I chopped the skunk she had more than enough Amber's on the majority of the buds so I felt it was good time. I give her a rough trim and put in bags there in top my grow room I folded the bags and clipped the top closed I only layered one single layer and nothing crowded in bottom of each bag. My new scales I bought are shit so couldn't weight the wet bud but I will hopefully have soon good scales soon and get a dry weight it don't look like she yeilds much but we will see.

The Haze has the room all to herself now and she is much bigger than the skunk I'm hoping she tighten up and fatten up she is beautiful plant really Bushy and next to no smell and what smell she has is a nice sweet smell. She is drinking more water again she did slow down now she back awake I guess. Not sure How long she will go but she looks like she not even close hahaha
:d5: great job bud! The haze will like all the room by herself. Have you decided what is going to be grown next?
Yes Toof Decay and a Stilton special and possibly a NCH . But really leaning towards Two Toof Decay.
That is if this Haze gets done she is a slow Bitch hahaha
Wish I new something good to give her as in a feed that will make her fat and nasty hahaha that's organic. But I want a good organic feed that I can use on my next grow as well!! I'm gonna use the Mephisto GBD Soil so want something that will go with it and the Mammoth P I like that stuff!! You guys give me opinions or do I need anything else I will also use a good molasses as well maybe growers recharge a few times ? I'm just getting prepped now for my next one so I have everything on hand when I start! This grow I didn't really plan I just took off hahaha
I use recharge weekly, it has molasses in it. Also Big up powder or even seabird guano. I use all three, all dry nutes. I top dress and water in but you can mix them in your water.