Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

it's a seed lol WTF what do I do now will my Haze be full of seeds to?
They may have gotten stressed produced a few seeds it happens quite often bro but they look like swelling seed pods to me. but no worry if only a few some times the bud can be pretty good from stress seeds
POt plant is an amazing thing it will fight to keep the genetics flowing.
Thanks for the reply and info I was gonna chop her when I got home but now I should leave her and let her Finnish ? And yes it's just a few buds with one on top it's not all over the plant.
Let her finish. You can end up with free seeds and bud to smoke.
Thanks bro I actually got sick to my stomach thinking it was all a waist of time lol but now I know it's all still good!! I been reading the web all day about it hahaha need my meds lol also if I do get a few seeds will they be Feminized and will they be autoflowers?
Will be autos but no guarantee of female. You have to grow a couple for a few weeks then chop males. If the smoke is really good pollinate one to make more seeds!
Will be autos but no guarantee of female. You have to grow a couple for a few weeks then chop males. If the smoke is really good pollinate one to make more seeds!
Is it possible my Haze will be seedy to? And will this effect the potent of this skunk? Sorry for so many questions lol just kinda bummed