New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
just wanted to say thank you for this guide @Ash-a-Ton !! ive read it a couple times over just soaking in information. will be back here again when my plants get older :thanks::pass:
Awesome sauce new friend!

Feel free to tag me in your grow or post a few pics in here.
Good luck with the babies

So up to this point I have only misted the area of planting and now miting the sprouts. Now the soil is fairly on the dry side which is fine. Because the tap root didn't need much.

So it's time for the first watering. And a run down on when and how to water.
We don't need to water until run off this time. But a very slight run off will be just fine. Goal here is just to get the soil nice and welcoming so the roots expand to it.
Maybe one or two more times before we are ready to start a light feed. And move into the veg phase where all the fun starts.
What is that on the wall? You do get excited by this stuff.
I notices your filter is on the ground doesn't warm air rise? and is it still cooling ok where its at
Seems to work out well for me.
No doubt it would be more effective if I had it mounted above. I didn't have the place to support it proper up high.
I have not ran my a.c in my grow all year and have not went over 85° so it's doing it's job

Cheers mate. Thanks for stopping by
Seems to work out well for me.
No doubt it would be more effective if I had it mounted above. I didn't have the place to support it proper up high.
I have not ran my a.c in my grow all year and have not went over 85° so it's doing it's job

Cheers mate. Thanks for stopping by
Ya mine was a pain I ended up using rope and using every top post in my back side of my tent to mount mine. 5 mounting points in the end to get it just right. but gave me some more room in my tent. :bong:
Thanks man I’m new as well needing medicine for my wife (stroke and seizures) running a hydro tent grow with platinum 300 light plants in beginning of veg state. Wondering when to top change water etc. seeds are blue dream extreme fem from Ned. And CBdoc from same. What a great site, just joined last week. Do you know of any good hydro threads? This one is fantastic even though soil oriented