2nd attempt growing, still confused and looking for advice before I start

Day 3
Looks like she is stretching up a little? I increased the light intensity a small amount just in case.
I had initially measured the level with an app (I know, phone is not the best instrument for measuring up the light intensity) to 5000LUX, now increased it to around 6000 according the app. (Its now on the exact power level that the grow light manufacturer recommends for this model at seedling stage)

Also I think the misting of the top soil works really well, even light misting of the top keeps the soil little bit moist even deeper.
Tent temp/RH also have been pretty stable 25C/70%

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I'm bit worried, is she getting little bit leggy?
I increased the light power a little bit.
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Download the photone app and use that to check your light intensity. It works best if you pay the 6-8$ to unlock full spec LEDs (assuming that’s what your using) and then that will get you close enough to the proper dli. I used that app for a long time starting out til I purchased an actual par meter. Measure ppfd not lux for LEDs

Once you know your dli just follow this chart

I'm bit worried, is she getting little bit leggy?
I increased the light power a little bit.
It'll be ok. I get leggy seedlings all the time. If it gets to the point it can't hold it's head up anymore just put a stick or something next to it for support and it'll grow out of it
Download the photone app and use that to check your light intensity. It works best if you pay the 6-8$ to unlock full spec LEDs (assuming that’s what your using) and then that will get you close enough to the proper dli. I used that app for a long time starting out til I purchased an actual par meter. Measure ppfd not lux for LEDs

Once you know your dli just follow this chart
Thanks! I used the app and measured the PPFD is around 250. And with 18hour lights on the DLI hits to 16. Its pretty close where it should be assuming the phone sensor readings are in the ballpark.
The height of the light and the PWM duty cycle was pretty much set according to light manufacturer recommendations for the seedling and also now the measurements supports this too.
Oh, here's day 5:
I can see a little bit darker shade on the edges of the bigger leaves, is this normal or do I need to adjust something? My eyes are not good for colors, I cannot see if its brown or green, I can only differentiate that its darker shade..

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Thanks! I used the app and measured the PPFD is around 250. And with 18hour lights on the DLI hits to 16. Its pretty close where it should be assuming the phone sensor readings are in the ballpark.
The height of the light and the PWM duty cycle was pretty much set according to light manufacturer recommendations for the seedling and also now the measurements supports this too.

Ok perfect if she starts stretching more then you’d like you can turn the light up a bit more. I tend to start cranking it up once first true leaves are 1” long
Looking good. You are getting some great advice here. Don't stress out. The plants can sense that. Have fun too.
I have always managed to get something to smoke from the worst plants I have ever grown. (Not pictured here.:biggrin:). I grew a little runt that looked like a purple cactus. Small plant but killer smoke. I've seen some of the weirdest mutations that I may or may not be responsible for due to my limited growing skills.
All gardeners will have ups and downs no matter how experienced they are. Pests like spider mites, thrips and gnats will enter your grow space. Powdery mildew and other diseases will attack any unhealthy plants. Master Gardeners deal with these things too. You should learn as much as you can about these things. Learn how to minimize risks and what to do when an infestation happens. Leaf damage from thrips looks almost like powdery mildew symptoms. If you turn up the fans to "cure" your PM you will be spreading thrips around the room. Tricky little bastards huh? Learn how to identify pest and disease problems on your own. Scout your plants daily for pests and every time you water/train/defoliate.
A discolored leaf that is curling can mean over watering, pests, disease or nothing at all. Like I said, you are getting great advice here, but it is hard to see everything in a picture that is going on in your grow space. Thrips and mites are incredibly small. Their damage is similar to other things. I had to learn about these things as they happened. I wish I had learned about them before things got bad.
Do your homework!