New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
Absolutely guys. The pleasure was mine

Apologies to everyone for not finishing strong and posting pics .
Life delt some lemons and such. So made some lemonades. Getting married and having a baby. On top of all the other stuff that came all at one time . Had a bit of a rough go there.

The plan is to get my game proper again using coco and hopefully get a good live basic coco guide early next year

A huge thanks to all who attended class and supported the thread afn and myself.
And a huge thanks to all who read this in the future.
Cheers AFN
you're all my family

Thank you so much for putting this together - will certainly use as a reference for my next grow ^^