New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
Just read through this as I'm looking to start out growing soon - the step by step guide is really helpful for someone with no prior knowledge of gardening. All the specific in-depth info on here is awesome too but a broad overview from start to finish is a brilliant starting point and it helps put a lot of the deeper stuff into perspective. Thanks a lot for writing this, and beautiful plant!
You're absolutely welcome. Thrilled that I can help anywhere that I can with afn and new growers. I owe it to [HASHTAG]#afn[/HASHTAG]
This place has taught me everything!

Would you guys believe I have only been doing this about a year and a half now?

So I'm proud to say I'm still learning just as much as I am teaching and happy to return the vibes!
:digit:I just read through your thread and found it very informative. To bad you couldn't have gotten that 2nd bucket going. It would have been cool to see the same strain without LST and just some leaf tucking to compare the differences. Beautiful plant:greenthumb: Looking forward to the harvest:watering:
The time has come.
Now it's entering the chop and dry cycle!

I wish I had examples of ambering trichs.
I will provide a really good link to a great drying and curing. @912GreenSkell has compiled a great guide on this. So I'll do a basic guide here and link his guide here as well. Which has exceptional examples of trichs and ripeness and just a really well done guide. Definitely spend some time to read through it!

This particular plant did not Amber. Just got foggy. And the plant went into necro phase fast at the end of her cycle.

It's a totally normal thing for them to yellow out on the leafage of the buds. But the buds themselves should not

I opted to chop instead of running the risk of letting it get too far into dying before chop. The Amber is not worth bud sacrifice

Here she is before the chop.

I will be back probably tomorrow with a pictorial of chopping and hanging and go over how I do all of that.

Then we will move into drying and finally curing!
We are almost there!

Again huge thanks to all supporting and growing along. Cheers AFN
Ok. I been on the dry for 3 days. Apologies for not updating a bit sooner. Been quite busy with family n such.

To start.
This is @912GreenSkell guide for harvesting and curing. Just an outstanding source of information all on the most important part of the whole cycle.

If you are in low humidity areas your dry will be very fast. So be very careful not to over dry and mess up your cure.

If high humidity make sure you have the oscillating fans and maybe even a dehumidifier. Protect from mold!!!!!

Personal preference. I like to do a soft trim while I am chopping. And a final trim when it's dry. If I have a very large harvest I will start 1/2 way through the dry that way I finish the trim on time.
But be careful handling the wet buds. The trichs are very unstable until they get about 60% dry and the heads harden up.
A good reason I also like to wait a bit for the final trim. But harvest size and time frames have a lot more to do with when I trim.
And as long as you are careful. Trimming wet won't hurt the quality any. And will help dry the buds a bit faster as well.
So will removing as much stem as you can. The more plant material you remove the less water the buds will pull from the stalks and leafs making it a faster dry.

If you have a supply and have time for a proper cure. It's worth it. If you dont, it's ok. Get it dry and in jars and it's smokeable. And I have have plenty of plants come down and not need much of a cure for a good taste. Some strains need it.

I shall return during trim time to show some trimming tips.
Here is the chop and hang.
The well trimmed buds are the ones my Mrs did. She's much more detailed lol.
cracking pics,lovely finishing colours :thumbsup: i have a terrible nose myself,but are you getting any orange or diesel whiffs ?
keep er lit
Both. Gassy orange. It's pretty stinky for sure.
Can't wait for a taste