What a shocker!! LMAO!!!!
Here I was, savouring the view into your so beautifully airy closet with your wonderfully uncramped plants coming along at a nice pace - when BAM
the dwarf jumped for the sky, just like that!
I swear I jumped a little in my seat haha
An amazing twosome you've got going there!!
Good thing the AK is blooming along unperturbed by the, ummm,
Giant's antics - for a bit of smoke in the meantime :smoking:
Those buds are looking very yummy - all juicy and triched up as they are!
That Royal Giant though, sheesh, what a crazy plant, I have no words
Don't get me wrong, I feel lucky to have gotten to know her!
That girl is going to be a VERY happy smoke the way she's already spreading the vibe lmao
I did have a thought though, about your lights and how you're using the space - which seems to be much larger than the footprint the plants need. Seeing that, I started wondering whether maybe the light, though maybe nominally adequate (I must have missed what wattage you're running the 3 COBs at?), was dispersing too much in the tent - the tent walls being far away, and thus lots of photons getting lost bouncing all over but not really onto the plants.
So maybe if they were placed closer to the walls -just moved back a bit actually- , then light reflection would more likely reach the plants from those 3 now closer sides, more in any case than the way they are, centered in the room (for all the lovely airiness it provides
And as for the fungus gnats, they're only a real danger to the plants in the seedling stage, when root mass is small, and losing a few can be a life or death thing. Unless of course crazy amounts, I imagine it would have to be so many larvae that you could see the soil moving haha
No, actually I have no idea, maybe fungus gnats
can cause so much root damage a grown plant gets to suffer.
I do know that their menu consists primarily of decaying organic matter, it is only when they have none of that that they go for the roots.
And yes sand works, for as long as you keep it on (I had a 3-4cm layer on, and knew there were larvae in the soil underneath - they hatched, and molted, and a very few also struggled up through that dense and heavy sand, but when they emerged they would consistently die, it was just too much. So the reproductive cycle got interrupted that way
Looking forward to seeing how da crazy gal decides to go on!!