Outdoor Royal dwarf outdoor 2nd Grow

Thanks Ive heard to use bloom for flowering all I have is the regular all purpose rn ill see if i can find some bloom

The regular all purpose that would be relatively quick release, as you want less N for bloom. Here in Australia, hard to find good bloom nutes in the regular hardward, but its doable my first grow i used powerfeed product
Yea I have a hydroponic shop a good 2 hours from me. I'll have to go there later this summer when I try to run those Taos, it should have everything I need to make a couple gallons of super soil for autos. As of now all I have is the mg gro and bloom, and some epsom salts in case of a magnesium deficiency.
Im planting the 27th as my area has no frost and the temps begin to rise then, fairly moderate climate. The plants will be where they will have plenty of sunlight, 11-12 hours a day their whole lives. Im NOT gonna be messin with no super taos those freebies i dont want a 7 ft monster
Popping Beans and Sites Prepped!
Hello everyone Ive decided to pop my Dwarfs earlier than I had planned as temperatures aee beginning to rise and my sites are prepped. I have my 2 seperate sites prepped and ready to go. What I did with the sites was I cleared plenty of brush around them and they are in spots to receive the full amount of light in my region a day. I also dug up maybe about 3-4 gallons of soil in each sight and mixed that native soil with a seedling mix that contains perlite, vermiculite, and peat moss. Hopefully this soil amending will atleast better aerate the soil for rhe dwarfs. The two dwarfs are in a bottle of room temp water, once they sink I will be moving them to damp paper towels in a Ziploc bag. Thanks for reading!


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One of the Dwarfs didnt pop...
Its very demoralizing to have only one of your seeds pop out of the two you have. However, the one that did pop is already outside under the humidity dome. I did them in the same paper towel after 2 days one of them has a .2 inch taproot but the other hasnt even opened its shell. So i went ahead and planted the one that seems to be working and put the other one back in the ziploc to try atleast to get her to pop. I may drop her back into a glass of water in a desperate attenpt for her to crack shell. The one I have is feminized so its not a total loss, ill still give it a try. Also, those news seeds are getting here soon although their shipment has been delayed a week or so due to Covid-19
Both dwarfs dead....
Well the other one hasnt sprouted yet and its been 3 days so im gonna chalk this one up as a loss. There were some tough weather conditions I hadnt anticipated, cold and rainy. Although I think its warming up for good now. Im getting new seeds in 3 days... A bunch of auto regs. Sorry for this guys I learned from my loss mainly that germination has a lot more to it than one expects.