New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

Damn, you think 7-8 zips? Thats a monster haul yo!
I might hit a qp with my big girl, id be stoked!!
That's all 4 plants lol and a maybe n goin off the roaches I've got from what I smoked from the first dwarf over a month ago n I roll big ol joints lol over a gram n some easily but I know I got over 50 and still got a ounce in a jar then another 1/2 in brown bag. Still got the dwarf and blue to harvest but I think blue just gonna be a heavy weighing gal. Or I'm really over guessing lmao
Dude! Whatever it is is gonna be amazing!
I know personally, im still new enough that any smokeable weed grown is a win.
One of these days i might get good enough that i frown at 3 zips lol, but i aint there yet!
Good job on ya man for getting your gals here to the finish line!!!
Dude! Whatever it is is gonna be amazing!
I know personally, im still new enough that any smokeable weed grown is a win.
One of these days i might get good enough that i frown at 3 zips lol, but i aint there yet!
Good job on ya man for getting your gals here to the finish line!!!
That's all I was worried bout was getting em done without killing them or something getting them. With everything that happened to em with the rain and moving them and probably not good enough lighting in the beginning. I'm happy with what i got lol it could've been better but it could've been worse. I think blue more than makes up for it lol. She's a good strong smoke and doesn't take much with her is what I love. Smoke half a joint if I'm lucky and I'm set for hours or all night but it's also good n strong enough for a quick puff or two n that's it and I'm good in the morning. If I take a few hits I'm feeling like got a bus dragging me ths other direction lol.
Smoked the rest of a joint last night that i rolled no before last lol. It has a amazing berry flavor and sweet taste resin. Every hit you taste it and every exhale it's like you get a coat of candy in your mouth it's sweet i like it. First time I've actually had one that was sweet like that not judt kinda a hint here n there n that berry taste comes across so strong it blows my mind and the first half of the joint it comes across as a more pronounced blue berry taste then turns to a kinda black berry or a blue raspberry. The resin that comes out the end of a joint is light brown amberish I love when it gets gooey n that end piece of bud that hangs out a lil gets coated good I snag it out n chew it up it taste that good lmao.
See that's the thing I've asked veteran growers on here on live stoners and they say not to and it'll be ok so I'm torn what to do lol but think im gonna do clearing out on the lower stuff just do it slowly and just get it opened up id love for all the branches to have big ole buds but know hallf of the pow low stuff will be just empty branches with couple leaves on it that's the stuff I'm clean out and fan leaves that ain't gonna do anything really and trim the top leaves so it's still got some foliage to do what it needs so kinda splits it up all round so energy goes where it needs with a smaller fraction on the little stuff
I defol as the plant begins to build flower. Usually take some leaves every day or two for the rest of the grow....... Before the harvest trim. I can see just about everything on this plant. Without defoling continuously I'd loose a lot for not seeing what's going on
Hey guys wanted share a pic.of what the Blue Dream'matics buds look like I went to harvest her partially like I talked bout with ozzie I think or illin4life. But got one of the lower side branches bout half way n cut it so the lower lower that's blocked could fatten up. But after taking it n looking I think I'll flush her a couple more days then do it so I got a few amber trichomes not many just a few lol. But she's gonna have some pretty buds the best looking ones I've gotten on these autos so far but their all killer smoke so far. View attachment 1096250 View attachment 1096251 View attachment 1096252
man. she loaded up pretty good for ya
Smoked the rest of a joint last night that i rolled no before last lol. It has a amazing berry flavor and sweet taste resin. Every hit you taste it and every exhale it's like you get a coat of candy in your mouth it's sweet i like it. First time I've actually had one that was sweet like that not judt kinda a hint here n there n that berry taste comes across so strong it blows my mind and the first half of the joint it comes across as a more pronounced blue berry taste then turns to a kinda black berry or a blue raspberry. The resin that comes out the end of a joint is light brown amberish I love when it gets gooey n that end piece of bud that hangs out a lil gets coated good I snag it out n chew it up it taste that good lmao.
glad you got the goods! She sure looks tasty!
man. she loaded up pretty good for ya

glad you got the goods! She sure looks tasty!
Yeah she's a producer lol after I took a good ounce off her she popped out new buds and new branches that already made it up to top and got buds forming lol
Also my royal dwarf I half harvested has done this wild thing and started growing new buds from old buds like 4 seperate buds out of the bottom of existing buds it's crazy and their not like the original buds with foxtailing and airy. These are super hard and bunched up like one on bottom is already bigger than the biggest cola and super dank stinky sticky oily just wild
Yeah she's a producer lol after I took a good ounce off her she popped out new buds and new branches that already made it up to top and got buds forming lol
Also my royal dwarf I half harvested has done this wild thing and started growing new buds from old buds like 4 seperate buds out of the bottom of existing buds it's crazy and their not like the original buds with foxtailing and airy. These are super hard and bunched up like one on bottom is already bigger than the biggest cola and super dank stinky sticky oily just wild
I've had em shoot out foxtails after buds are fully done...?..... some plants just don't wanna quit, I guess. At least it's foxtailing and not nannering!