New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

Yeah @baked in the bluegrass and @Illini4life your not kidding it's up there with photos if still had a month or longer id be shitting lmao. I thought they would quicker strains like several other ppls growing same blue Dream'matic by fast budz and theirs finished by days 80 to 75 or 90 seen some go 115 days but they was monsters mines this short little baby that's big for her size shes she's only 13 inches I think from soil to bud tips. But she's covered in bud sites lol. When I do cut her ill have to do it in steps all the top stuff will come off and then let the mids and lowers fill in and get ther swell on lol.
I have heard if you start full flower nutes right at first signs of preflower that it will push them along and into flower faster. Essentially cutting out the ability for them to go 100 days+. But some that for the increased weight they can pull. To each their own though
I have heard if you start full flower nutes right at first signs of preflower that it will push them along and into flower faster. Essentially cutting out the ability for them to go 100 days+. But some that for the increased weight they can pull. To each their own though
I'll try that on next ones as soon as these get ready to chop and i know for sure I'll be chopping then I'll pop a couple seeds. I got to watch here n don't want to have 2 finishing and 3 starting even tho might be couple days that's over the 4 limit before get into felony grounds lmao. Stupid thing is you can pay a cannabis tax here of $1,100.00 or something round that before hand and if get popped you don't have to pay the normal amount of $2500 but whoa going to go in to the courthouse in an illegal state and tell them your growing and pay them. Might as well put signs up and make cards to hand out to cops with address and pics and exact gps location. Only in Kentucky lmfao.
I'll try that on next ones as soon as these get ready to chop and i know for sure I'll be chopping then I'll pop a couple seeds. I got to watch here n don't want to have 2 finishing and 3 starting even tho might be couple days that's over the 4 limit before get into felony grounds lmao. Stupid thing is you can pay a cannabis tax here of $1,100.00 or something round that before hand and if get popped you don't have to pay the normal amount of $2500 but whoa going to go in to the courthouse in an illegal state and tell them your growing and pay them. Might as well put signs up and make cards to hand out to cops with address and pics and exact gps location. Only in Kentucky lmfao.
Itsa trap! Itsa trap!
Itsa trap! Itsa trap!
Yes it is lmao you would jave to be the world's dumbest and the biggest stoner and be burnt up to walk in and pay a tax for an illegal act and expect not to get in trouble or think they wouldn't be coming by in a few days lmao they'd have it on all the radios and social media and cnn covering the dumbest criminals lmao
Day [HASHTAG]#106[/HASHTAG] things are still chugging along. Blue Dream'matic is still filling in them buds and still pushing out new pistils. Her trichomes are all milky and only couple Amber's. Going to see how the week goes for her shes been getting plain water for a week so hopefully everything lines up and it'll have 2 weeks flush and chop. The Royal Dwarf that had half of her buds chopped and miss and lower left to fill in is getting thicker and longer. She has fox tail type of bud. Just the skinny skinny shape with a few calyxes and then a new section of a couple and so on. Her wild coloring is in part die to my error with peroxide when i washed her because of the rot. Then a slight magnesium deficency and combine it together and got this wild array of colors lol. But she's milky and few Amber's so she's close close.
Please Excuse the blurry side I think my finger got in there lol.
Day [HASHTAG]#108[/HASHTAG] the gals are getting closer and closer to the day of the choppity chop. Their doing great swelling amd building more on their buds i think the staged harvest is what I'm going to do on blue and let those hidden buds get to their fullest potential. The dwarf also has some new buds on lowest parts but they've grown crazy fast was just button buds and now not 2 weeks later their good sized nugs. Just waiting and riding it out waited this long and don't wanna rush them. Thanks y'all for checking in.
Day [HASHTAG]#108[/HASHTAG] the gals are getting closer and closer to the day of the choppity chop. Their doing great swelling amd building more on their buds i think the staged harvest is what I'm going to do on blue and let those hidden buds get to their fullest potential. The dwarf also has some new buds on lowest parts but they've grown crazy fast was just button buds and now not 2 weeks later their good sized nugs. Just waiting and riding it out waited this long and don't wanna rush them. Thanks y'all for checking in.View attachment 1099064 View attachment 1099065 View attachment 1099066
Dam dude. Girls are getting fat as fuck! What do you think your haul will be?
Dam dude. Girls are getting fat as fuck! What do you think your haul will be?
I'm not sure hoping a couple oz. Or more with her being dense as she is all her buds are hard and full no airy spots so far. Plus she doesn't lose a lot of weight during the dry which is wild never had one not lose at least half their weight drying. But last buds I dried off her kept over half their weight and took long time to dry to smoke it. Think it was 9 days and the inner most part against the stem was still a little moist and the top of the stem was still moist. But her buds are all there is her stems are small small thin little things I was expecting them to bigger considering the size of the buds but nope lol fine by me more weight means more happy times for me lol. But all together I'd say I've got and will get a total close to 7-8ounces with the 3 dwarfs maybe more after the lower buds on blue fatten up lol. I'm gonna do a staggered harvest so them little nugs become big fat nugs.
I'm not sure hoping a couple oz. Or more with her being dense as she is all her buds are hard and full no airy spots so far. Plus she doesn't lose a lot of weight during the dry which is wild never had one not lose at least half their weight drying. But last buds I dried off her kept over half their weight and took long time to dry to smoke it. Think it was 9 days and the inner most part against the stem was still a little moist and the top of the stem was still moist. But her buds are all there is her stems are small small thin little things I was expecting them to bigger considering the size of the buds but nope lol fine by me more weight means more happy times for me lol. But all together I'd say I've got and will get a total close to 7-8ounces with the 3 dwarfs maybe more after the lower buds on blue fatten up lol. I'm gonna do a staggered harvest so them little nugs become big fat nugs.
Nice! I have been doing extra trimming on those bigger buds. You can typically trim right up to the main stem and chop those huge buds into smaller ones. Really helps to dry them more even. That way you won't have nugs dry and some still wet on the middle. Some people like those huge nugs but honestly I just want them to be uniform and around the same size haha. Perfect nugs to me are ones I can pop out the jar and straight into my grinder with no fiddling around with pulling stems out. Pretty fine chopping, but it has paid off with nice even drying buds that mature at the same time.

Oh yeah and before I forget go check out that dry box, I got it all made up essentially, and check out the girls. They are starting to get fatttt