Lighting Quantum board thread.

I hate to say it but 80% of the companies on alibaba are like this, not only that but many of these " companies" are just various names used by the same company. I wouldn't buy from any of these thieves!

I'm not spamming. If you want to be ripped off, that's your perogative. And If Kingbrite if making false claims, I will make it known. I emailed HLG directly to get to the bottom of that particular issue. Quantum Boards are the product of Horticulttural Lighting Group and not licensed to any Chinese seller. HLG is a small company started by some guys on another forum. They spent hundreds of hours and much money developing and testing their products. These Alibaba sellers are cheating a small company and doing so with inferior products.

So calling this thread a Quantum Board thread, them using it to promote Chinese kockoffs, WHO is spamming? And just because you don't like what I posted, doesn't mean my posts have no merit. People deserve to know what they are buying.

I give up! You win! I won't post here no more. Have fun!
When an opinion is being shoved down ones throat, off topic, by the same individual over and over, to a point where people say „ok, dude, we get it“ then it’s spam in my book. You don’t have to agree. Neither does @pop22 who I have no issues with whatsoever.

What about pop's postings is off topic in a thread titled 'quantum board thread'? @pop22 has been posting, on topic, in this thread since before you joined.
Ok guys lets settle a little bit.
@pop22 do hlg have any patent or copyright to that style of grow light or the name quantum boards? I cant find it mentioned anywhere?
If they do then we are all spamming this thread.

If they dont then you cant call these chinese companies thieves.
You talk about getting 'ripped off' im my eyes paying £700+ for a hlg 550 is getting ripped off if i can get a very similar light for less than half that price.

I do agree there are some very dodgy sellers on alibaba.
But not all of them are some are very professional to deal with and have great product.
Will it match hlgs product in a sphere test? Who knows.. but i dont really give a shit either as long as it grows some good weed.

I will start a new thread and we can have a list of sellers that are reputable.

This thread might get pretty quiet....
I'm not spamming. If you want to be ripped off, that's your perogative. And If Kingbrite if making false claims, I will make it known. I emailed HLG directly to get to the bottom of that particular issue. Quantum Boards are the product of Horticulttural Lighting Group and not licensed to any Chinese seller. HLG is a small company started by some guys on another forum. They spent hundreds of hours and much money developing and testing their products. These Alibaba sellers are cheating a small company and doing so with inferior products.

So calling this thread a Quantum Board thread, them using it to promote Chinese kockoffs, WHO is spamming? And just because you don't like what I posted, doesn't mean my posts have no merit. People deserve to know what they are buying.

Does HLG own the patent? Did they trademark "Quantum Board." Not poking the bear; those are legit questions to ask when making defenses like you're making :pighug: Because if they don't own the patent, trademark, or IP I don't really see what's being infringed upon.
I'm waiting on a reply from HLG. And patent or copyright aside, notice the use of "hlg" in Kingbrite's add. Tell me why would they include that except to ride on HLG's reputation. QBs may not be copyrighted, I don't know, but they have no right to infringe on HLG's company name.

Maybe your getting a good deal on that 1/2 price light. Or maybe your getting 1/2 the quality. Do you care about efficiency? What warranty do they offer? How good is there customer service?

I had one board in a 4 board light have issues. withing 24 hours, all 4 were replaced. Let me know if you get that kind of customer service from alibaba vendors.

Alright, It was never intended to rile things up, for that I apologize. Everyone has the right to buy from whomever they choose. Whether you agree with me or not, at least consider carefully who you buy from.

A list of reputable seller would be great!

Ok guys lets settle a little bit.
@pop22 do hlg have any patent or copyright to that style of grow light or the name quantum boards? I cant find it mentioned anywhere?
If they do then we are all spamming this thread.

If they dont then you cant call these chinese companies thieves.
You talk about getting 'ripped off' im my eyes paying £700+ for a hlg 550 is getting ripped off if i can get a very similar light for less than half that price.

I do agree there are some very dodgy sellers on alibaba.
But not all of them are some are very professional to deal with and have great product.
Will it match hlgs product in a sphere test? Who knows.. but i dont really give a shit either as long as it grows some good weed.

I will start a new thread and we can have a list of sellers that are reputable.

This thread might get pretty quiet....
And patent or copyright aside, notice the use of "hlg" in Kingbrite's add.

Okay you win in that specific example, that's pretty blatant haha! Take a look at Folux or what some other companies are doing; a lot of the rhetoric is "are you familiar with HLG? we have a very similar product." I can see it both ways for sure, I just think if HLG didn't take the proper steps to protect themselves legally from their competition, it's hard to cry wolf when the competition is part of the wolf family :hump:

withing 24 hours, all 4 were replaced. Let me know if you get that kind of customer service from alibaba vendors.

I can't find that in most places here even in the USA. Warranty/service are actually the justification I use for most companies when people complain about the price of goods or saying "I could build this for half the price, what a rip off." I build PC's at home, there's been more than a few times I wish I had a better warranty to just "ship my shit off" and have someone else worry about it.

Alright, It was never intended to rile things up, for that I apologize. Everyone has the right to buy from whomever they choose. Whether you agree with me or not, at least consider carefully who you buy from.

Now that is a super fair statement.

A list of reputable seller would be great!

We kicked around some ideas for this, or a way to give "reviews and ratings" for actual companies, not just the products themselves. There's a USA based seed bank that I would personally love to see hung out to dry out. There has to be a way to keep people credible and the information verifiable though, or else it's just troll city. That's why we were pushing for product grievances to have documentation to back it up (or else it's people with grudges/vendettas/fanboys just talking shit 4 times out of 5.)
This thread was spammed and sidetracked on page one.

A second thread should have been and should be started.

“HLG copies and where to get them cheap” then you can expound the wonderful virtues of all the high quality variants of lights available that are similar to the ones provided by HLG. I’m sure it would be just as busy but not lead to any confusion.

Instead of “ now how to say Quantum board in Chinese “ in this thread someone could have said “ I’m going to start a separate thread for imitations”.

Legal or not for the quality of information for our wonderful members it is very confusing to make and educated decision about quality or a manufactures product for future viewers of this thread if the thread is littered with knock offs. If someone buys a $10 pair of Nikes on Alibaba I say all the power to them. But when the soles fall off and you break your ankle I hope they don’t tell everyone Nike’s are crap.

The knock off producers know this is exactly the type of scenario that allows them to so easily sell their product. They get all the recognition of someone else establishing the product and they know when all the bad press starts from poor quality knock offs it will get transferred to the associated product whose coat tails they rode.

The whole process is incredibly self serving and descriptive, but of course they have plenty of comebacks for all that. “ your getting roped off by HLG charging so much” “ use us” believe what you will
Hey peeps and lighting gurus,

I had my heart set on 4 x QB96's but HLG UK failed to secure them for me before they went out of stock. Now I'm confused by everything I'm reading. I think it's actually more like my Mrs when she goes shopping... TOO MUCH CHOICE :doh:

I'm currently running 2 x Viparspectra V600's in a 1.2x1.2x2.1 (4'x4'x7') tent and want to upgrade from the BLURPLES. I monitor via IP cam for 90% of the grow and not seeing correct colours makes it hard to adjust nutes.

I'm after a system that is efficient, 2.0 umol/J or higher that can produce 1.5g/W or more. Has deep penetration and that I can set and leave without too much adjustment (tent only gets visited for 15 mins once a week).

I've looked at COBs, HLG QB's, Invisiblesun ISH boards, Electric Sky, SanLight and even Meijiu, R2T, building my own strip lights like the Fluence Spyder and many many more. I've read mixing spectrums of 3k+4k is better than running either individually and/or 3.5k without the need to add far reds. I run 2 rows of 3 Autopots so I'd like to spread the light out (say run 2 rows rather than 1 large unit).

I'd like your advice on which system you think would suit my requirements best at under 600GBP (800USD). I will go higher but there has to be really good evidence to show the extra money is worth it. I'm based in the UK (so bare in mind regarding postage and import tax).

I'm not afraid of some DIY either if that helps?

Thanks everyone :greenthumb:

Tagging a few peeps for advice:
@Slater @pop22 @Vapo69 @Equatorial @Burn victim @Frenjamin Banklin
3 packs of QB132's with a HLG 600h 36a or b. B would require a potentiometer that you could make external or A has voltage and current control.

$190 for the driver
$10-15 x 50ft of 14 or 18g solid core wire

Everything needs to be wired in parallel

I don't know how much aluminum would cost if you wanted to make a frame for them price matches digikey and any official vendors plus they give 10% off the first purchase so you could get the driver a bit cheaper.

This would be at max 600 watts with 12 boards that could offer 900 watts with different driver configuration with pretty great coverage.

That keeps you in your price range as well but I didn't factor shipping.

I did a bridgelux strip build at 480 watts which should give that minimum 30 watts per square foot but 600 would put you at 37.5 wpsqft

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