Lighting Quantum board thread.

One big advantage of QB boards is the height gain vs the heatsink height of a cob. 3-4 inches can matter in tight spaces.

you should run 4 QB 288 @ 320 watts to equal a good 600 watt HPS. Your saving on power still, plus no IR heat and greater efficiency!

I am looking to replace a 600w MH blue omega and 600w HPs sunmaster.
Effectively growing in a 1m x 1m x 1.5m room. Heat is an issue when the weather is warm. In the winter the lights keep the room perfectly warm.

Although the height distance and light combo poses an issue due to how close things can be,

So I a looking to replace my tech and have either a QB or single cobs. Fro, my limited knowledge and reading, QB seems to be a better investment, but I am sure others may argue that.
If I am being honest. I don’t know enough yet and it all gets quite technical

I like the look of the light posted above but I believe I only need approx 240w in QB terms to replace a 600w hps setup.

I want a full spectrum light that will handle veg and flower in one unit. I don’t want to build one and don’t see the need when they come so we’ll made and look good from suppliers.
Just trying to figure out who the suppliers to use are and also what exact combo I may need.

Anyone used RT2 before? Just finding my way around the alibaba messaging service never mind all this tech. Thanks
@legalizeme im using it in a 1.2 square tent , with an nft system. the fella at diyleduk said it would be fine for this.
check his lights out on instagram. atb
One big advantage of QB boards is the height gain vs the heatsink height of a cob. 3-4 inches can matter in tight spaces.

you should run 4 QB 288 @ 320 watts to equal a good 600 watt HPS. Your saving on power still, plus no IR heat and greater efficiency!

Good thinking, ideally I would want the driver mounted on the wall and not on top of the QB to make use of the height.

I am now debating to go slightly higher out of the wall wattage upto 600w and reduce via dimmer.

I want to get a good mix of spectrum I my light for veg and flower. I like the idea of having red Cree 600nm or similar mixed in with a 3500k

@legalizeme im using it in a 1.2 square tent , with an nft system. the fella at diyleduk said it would be fine for this.
check his lights out on instagram. atb

@legalizeme i`ll put a few pics up when it comes .

Nice man, I hope it works out well
I'm currently growing in a 80x80x160cm tent have 4autos going in 8lt pots. Planning on moving to 3lt grows next round, what QB would be efficient enough? Currently using 400w hps. Cheers.
They have a full spectrum board out now
Two QB288 in parallel, run on an HLG240H-54 would be great that will give you about 115 watts per board. Plenty for that size tent!

I'm currently growing in a 80x80x160cm tent have 4autos going in 8lt pots. Planning on moving to 3lt grows next round, what QB would be efficient enough? Currently using 400w hps. Cheers.
I'd have jumped in sooner if I'd have seen this thread!

My gear just came in I need to wire it up. Is there a few of us on here running QB'S now?
here is my gear. Anyone with QB gear chime in Please and thank-you. I will do my best to video the putting together of the light it came with wago connectors a remote dimmer. It is two 304 Boards with a meanwell HLG-240-C2100B driver. For anyone in the know what is the maximum wattage I can push with this set up. This all new to me just like purchasing a COB in 2014 it was a impulse buy too. I has grown some massive plants my first 1200 watt COB. I hope this impulse buy is just as good. I paid a really great price in Canadian dollars.
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Hey bud

My space here.
View attachment 945476

Currently 1m tray and 1m parabolic light.

So width is maybe more like 1.1 x 1.2

Height is approx 1.5m in height, I will need to measure again, memory is like a sieve.
Edit ( the height is actually 1.8m, from top to bottom) probably looking at approx 1.5m from the top of my 15L pots.

I was thinking a 600w led in this space and turned down if required.

Dude your space is awesome, kudos on your design and set up. Nice and tight... :slap:

your idea of 600w might be perfect, you could then fill that space wall to wall.

Something to think about which has not been mentioned, well @pop22 is touching on it is how hard you drive the broads. You have height restrictions like me so you need to give the plants some leeway in the stretch and let them get close to the lights. If your driving those board at full power 100w + with lets say 2100ma driver your gonna want at least 18" from the canopy, some would recommend 21".

What I suggest and this what I've done for 2 of my set ups, (my tents are only 145cm tall, come on over to the garden man and check out my spaces, I'm doing the same as you but in slight tighter corners) is to drive the QB's at a lower wattage 50w each at 1050ma (no dimming), you could probably just about get away with them at 75w each (1400ma) but some auto strains may shy away from that much light and need a wider gap between canopy and light (that's not all auto's some lap the light up like its going out of fashion). If you drive at 1050ma you can get those lady's with in inches from the light if they decide to get away from you and some of those auto will. On average in my tents the girls get to with in 5" at places and never a problem... I'm growing photo's at the moment

configuration's I would consider

4 x QB288 @1400ma in series... 1 x meanwell HLG-320H-1400

or 6 x QB288 @1050ma in series... 2 x meanwell HLG-240-1050 ... personal this is what I would go for to spread that light out, get into the corners and let those lady's get that littler closer... This also could be wired in parallel to save you money with one constant voltage drive, this not my field I've only wired in series so I can't recommend which driver to use. Don't worry others on this thread can.

Once you have decided on the tech I got great link for you with an Aluminum chop shop in the UK that you can make your frame from. Its the cheapest part of the build pimping your frame... Here a pic of my latest build... those 3 QB's are at about 50w @1050ma (HLG-185-1050ma) the cobs 8 x citizen 1212's @ 1050ma (HLG-320-1050ma). Over all the light is 450w, a little over powered for the space (117cm x 87cm x 145cm). I'm up grading my space very soon so I'm over rating every thing ready for my move.

Alien Rift by Ocean Grown
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