New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Just read through this whole thread. I'm starting a 60x60x185 tent grow in the next few weeks but am completely clueless about the specifics. The setup I have seems solid, has a carbon filter and in line extraction fan etc. I will be using a 600w dual spectrum. Are you gonna post more updates soon? Would you recommend going the organic, water only route? Seems easy for a newbie like myself. Your project is very exciting, looking forward to new updates. Hopefully I can get some help when I start my own grow I know I'll need it for sure.
Just read through this whole thread. I'm starting a 60x60x185 tent grow in the next few weeks but am completely clueless about the specifics. The setup I have seems solid, has a carbon filter and in line extraction fan etc. I will be using a 600w dual spectrum. Are you gonna post more updates soon? Would you recommend going the organic, water only route? Seems easy for a newbie like myself. Your project is very exciting, looking forward to new updates. Hopefully I can get some help when I start my own grow I know I'll need it for sure.

Whoa! Lewis! A 400W would be more than enough in a tent that size.. 600 is good but it's gonna get hot. If you've already got the kit, go for it, get some extra fans tho. If not, I'd recommend a bigger tent or a smaller light set up, whichever suits.
I haven't bought the setup yet. So would you recommend 400W or maybe even 250? I don't want it getting too hot. Is it dangerous to have such high power lights on seedlings? How many plants do you think I could grow in that size? I'm from London and it's obviously illegal here so I need to be careful. Do carbon filters deodorise well? Thanks again any advice is appreciated! I will be making a thread once I start my grow.