New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

Just read through this whole thread. I'm starting a 60x60x185 tent grow in the next few weeks but am completely clueless about the specifics. The setup I have seems solid, has a carbon filter and in line extraction fan etc. I will be using a 600w dual spectrum. Are you gonna post more updates soon? Would you recommend going the organic, water only route? Seems easy for a newbie like myself. Your project is very exciting, looking forward to new updates. Hopefully I can get some help when I start my own grow I know I'll need it for sure.[/QUOT
Just read through this whole thread. I'm starting a 60x60x185 tent grow in the next few weeks but am completely clueless about the specifics. The setup I have seems solid, has a carbon filter and in line extraction fan etc. I will be using a 600w dual spectrum. Are you gonna post more updates soon? Would you recommend going the organic, water only route? Seems easy for a newbie like myself. Your project is very exciting, looking forward to new updates. Hopefully I can get some help when I start my own grow I know I'll need it for sure.
Hi Lewis. I'll be posting an update some time this weekend. I've been so busy with work that I havent had the time. I havent even checked my plants since Tuesday. I'll have to get down there tonight when I get off. Thanks for stopping in !
I haven't bought the setup yet. So would you recommend 400W or maybe even 250? I don't want it getting too hot. Is it dangerous to have such high power lights on seedlings? How many plants do you think I could grow in that size? I'm from London and it's obviously illegal here so I need to be careful. Do carbon filters deodorise well? Thanks again any advice is appreciated! I will be making a thread once I start my grow.

A 400W would be perfect for that size tent IMO, that's more than enough light.

No.. Stick the seedlings straight under the lamp @ about a metre away to start them, they'll love it.

Yep, you NEED a carbon filter, (get a good one too) or you'll stink out the neighbourhood.. This attracts unwanted attention mostly from lil wankers who wanna rob ya.

How many plants? It depends on the strains you choose. You could squeeze two big 'uns or maybe three small ones in there. You'll need to read up on the seeds tho.

Get your thread going mate, people will chip in with advice to help you choose your kit etc.. Tag me in.. I'll help. [emoji111]️
A 400W would be perfect for that size tent IMO, that's more than enough light.

No.. Stick the seedlings straight under the lamp @ about a metre away to start them, they'll love it.

Yep, you NEED a carbon filter, (get a good one too) or you'll stink out the neighbourhood.. This attracts unwanted attention mostly from lil wankers who wanna rob ya.

How many plants? It depends on the strains you choose. You could squeeze two big 'uns or maybe three small ones in there. You'll need to read up on the seeds tho.

Get your thread going mate, people will chip in with advice to help you choose your kit etc.. Tag me in.. I'll help. [emoji111]️

Cheers mate, i got the dimensions slightly wrong, its 1.2m x 1.2m x 185cm so its a little bit bigger than i thought. Would 600W be ok in here without causing too many heat/humidity issues? This is the package im looking at getting:

The carbon filter is worth like £40, should be decent right? I mean even a good one how much of the odour does it get rid of? Sorry for so many questions lol.

Considering the bigger size i could probably get like 4-6 auto flowers in there right? I heard even if you get caught you only get a slap on the wrist unless its over 16 plants or something. :p
That's the same size tent as mine and I run a 600 so that bit's ok. The TT100 fan is rubbish tho. I've got that extractor kit for my drying tent and it does fook all. It'll be ok for a few weeks but when the plants start flowering it'll stink to high heaven.

You really want a 5" RVK and a Rhino or Can filter, these do the trick.. You could use the TT100 as an inlet fan, they're a bit rattly tho.

I've also got a TT 125 fan which is way better, not as good as the RVK tho, that fooker's been running pretty much constantly for 8years with not so much as a splutter.

Hey, rather than totally hijack this thread PM me or start another.. It's good manners. [emoji6][emoji111]️
Hello all. Quick update on the Deep Blue C. I'll put up pics of the others tomorrow. I just had a question about DBC since its the oldest and the farthest along. It's day 61 and I'm seeing all cloudy and a decent amount of amber trichs plus everday theres a few more brownish dead leaves that have fallen off into the dirt. I should start flushing this plant I assume, but for how many days? And when should I give it the 24 hours of darkness? My trich pics leave a lot to be desired I know. Sorry about that. Somehow its easy to see them in person, but then they dont show up on the pics very well.@yeatster @derek420colorado @witchyhour @Vlad The Inhaler @SouthCarolinaYardDog

Hey man, amber trichs are telling you time's up. Harvest window closing.
Flushing needed to be done a week ago ... but don't panic. You're growing in soil, right?
Soil buffers nutrients, both in feeding and in harvesting. Not the same as growing with hydroponics .. your weed will still taste 'earthy' and fantastic!
Give her a good flush, a tenth of the pot size is ok (until the run-off is clear), once only, and leave for 48 hours and then harvest her ... she'll take a bit more drying than if you'd grown her 'dry' ... but hey, what's a few more days after months of attention?

Don't leave those trichs too long on amber though, or you'll end up growing a giant sleeping pill!
The idea behind giving them total darkness for 24 hours before harvest is to 'shock' them into delivering more resin ... whether or not it's true is a matter for men in white coats!

Good luck dude .. almost home.

Bud Support Uk
Hey man, amber trichs are telling you time's up. Harvest window closing.
Flushing needed to be done a week ago ... but don't panic. You're growing in soil, right?
Soil buffers nutrients, both in feeding and in harvesting. Not the same as growing with hydroponics .. your weed will still taste 'earthy' and fantastic!
Give her a good flush, a tenth of the pot size is ok (until the run-off is clear), once only, and leave for 48 hours and then harvest her ... she'll take a bit more drying than if you'd grown her 'dry' ... but hey, what's a few more days after months of attention?

Don't leave those trichs too long on amber though, or you'll end up growing a giant sleeping pill!
The idea behind giving them total darkness for 24 hours before harvest is to 'shock' them into delivering more resin ... whether or not it's true is a matter for men in white coats!

Good luck dude .. almost home.

Bud Support Uk
Thanks for the response Bud Wiser !

You're welcome. 1st rule of weed-growing ... Don't Panic!
Weed reacts at a much slower pace than you do, even when you're totally stoned ... ain't that a dichotomy?

Bud Wiser UK
Take a closer look at the trichomes on the actual calyxes, are you seeing Amber on the actual bud or just the sugar leaves? I would start the flush now for a week, let it dry out 3 days before putting it in the dark.