Lighting Portela, Negra 44 (R-Kiem), CBD Mango Haze (CBD Crew) and Kraken (Buddha seeds) under Telos 006

One week in to 12/12
Kraken has been moved to another place for a week or two, to veg more, together with all clones. I do not want use 2 grow boxes at once. If there will be no space left for her, will leave her there to flower further.
Negra44 demands more Nitrogen, so started feeding her separately. She also put out stigmas, starting to flower.

Portela is changing rapidly, more new shoots are growing rapidly. Removed few non-promising branches from bottoms.

Mango is shooting with everything she has. Also removed bunch of non-promising branches from bottoms.

All together. There is still some space for Kraken, intend to keep it this way.
2 weeks in 12/12
(after one week in 13/11)

Flowering is igniting, plants are growing further, feeding every of them separately already, all them eats very differently. Cleaned bottoms again, for every of them, bit less for Negra44
Negra44 is one with character, was asking Phosphor earlier, when fixed this she now asks for Potassium. Anyway, all tops are healthy, did not removed affected leaf from bottoms, you will see it in photos. Want to see if this is progressing.

Portela is feeling good, bit dense, so thinking about removing some leaf here ant here on few days from her, to open bottoms.

CBD Mango Haze took her place and space, feeding her separately almost every day now

Remember Kraken? She has returned! Removed some small nodes and old leaf from bottoms, she is going to flower again, though she never stopped flowering after reveg, putting out new stigmas all the time, as in preflower.
Before, after

And all together. The box is almost full! :D

Thankyou for reading, will see you later!
Thanks bro. They really like Telos, and they eat well, tea of 800ppm every time with same drainage, that's some appetite! Three of them are 3 weeks in flower.
Here they are
Kraken, she is 1 week into 12/12, has plenty of stigmas so i await her to start flowering soon.

Negra44, shes tallest and has least of colas, ideal to be aside of Mango :D


Portela has fluffiest flowers and she is still growing taller, almost reached others


CBD Mango Haze, dont know much what to say, see her for your self :)


All together, barely fits in the box :)
Reveged clone of Kraken, 2 weeks into flowering. She is taking her space in my box surely!


Others are 4 weeks into flowering.
Negra 44 has very thin stigmas, but plenty of them, looks interesting.


That's Portela, she is most beautiful to me this time


CBD Mango Haze, still looking to her feeding, delaying to defoliate her. But seems she is stable, so will do that in couple of days, she is still bit to dense and has good potential. Removed couple of smallest colas of her, to fit Kraken to box.

All together, idealy fit to my grow box :)
Received this great nute pack from today!
These additives - FlowerStimulator, RootBooster and SuperEnzymes are my long - time favorites, using them for every plant i grow for few years already.
Now i will be testing their new BioLush, here's what they say about it:
“An organic booster for 1-year-old flowering and fruit-bearing crops. Bio -Lush is a product based on freshly milled sea algae. As a result, Bio -Lush contains bioactive substances of natural origin. Bio -Lush is also rich in plant phosphate and potassium. Cellmax BioLush ensures healthier plants with an abundant flowering and rich fruit setting. Bio -Lush strengthens the moisture balance of the plant, improves bud formation and reduces the effects of abiotic stress.”
Used it first time today, together with their Coco Bloom, first impression - it is concentrated and rises PH well, that means it is rich in Potassium. Will see how plants react to this, im measuring everything carefully and must find a good dosage for it. Used around 300ppms of it additionaly to low PK tea, will hope that's will not be way to much.
Will follow the plants closely, to be able to see first signs of trouble. Eventually will surely find proper usage of this stuff.
Special thanks goes to Marco from Cellmax nutrients , for making this possible.
Together with Daniel from Grownorthern they made my grow a total new experience for me, i deeply appreciate this!
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One month into flower. Further testing Cellmax BioLush. They seem to love organic PK, although they need a bit less than i gave earlier. Nothing is burnt more than it was before, but drainage was with little higher EC than tea i gave earlier. No defficiencies too, plants are reacting good to this, just look at that Portela (bottom right). Gave tea i know well this time, in few days will try to use BioLush again, in a bit smaller dose.