Lighting Portela, Negra 44 (R-Kiem), CBD Mango Haze (CBD Crew) and Kraken (Buddha seeds) under Telos 006

So here we are, in one week under Telos. Today fed them with normal tea first time. 3 of 4 plants started to develop faster, so i will not hold them from that anymore. Till now all they fed only on RO + some CalMag and now they start to look a bit hungry. Hoping that this tea of 400ppm will not be too much for Kraken clone, which only now rooted normally and started to revegetate. Dont know if she will be kept here till the end, may leave only 3 plants if 4th will be too small to take it's space between others.
Anyway, here we go
Negra 44 and Portela were stretched today for first time. As smaller plants are not both very perspective, i will grow bigger another ones, so decided to give some boost for another couple of branches for both of these plants. If not needed, will make nice clones from them later.
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This CBD Mango Haze looks to be well after all that happened t her, and she has 5 even branches now. I think she may race with her bigger sisters really soon. Fed her and stretched today too.
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Last one - Kraken, went to reveg only now, so im not sure that she will be able to gain needed size together with bigger plants. May vove her separately to veg further, if she wont take her space in time. Removed glass jar today, fed with same tea as others, hoping that this wont kill her now. She was very bad, all this procedure went too loong, it seemed.
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All togerther, still small :)
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Plants are starting to look happy bro.

I chatted with Daniel just a minute ago and he said they are working on a digital dimmer for Telos and HS1. That sounds so awesome!

They will be easy to swap out too bro, it’s just some metal zip straps and a twist lock connector.

Dimmer would be really handy, could make lights lowerable and save energy!
This good heatsink and dimming, holographic oprics, modular system, man, Telos will beat most of them on the market with all these technologies especially for it's price :D
So, another week passed by and plants were stretched every day to form them as i want. Now they need week or to to gain some size and then will switch them to flower.
This time let's begin from weakest, that's Kraken clone. It's still alive and started to swell because of many tiny inner branches, but it will not be able to be competitive with other plants in this grow. Another thing - some algae, or some kind of micro shrooms started to grow in her pot, i think that's not a mold (more agressive species are living there already, i put them there myself), so no panic still. Will give all of that some more time, but already now it is clear that this Kraken clone became more experiment that normal grow now.

CBD Mango Haze as thought, already now grown bigger than others, because it is more Sativa. She started to smell already and seems like she will take biggest piece of my box's space :D

Negra44 and Portela are growing normally, stretched them every day to expose all these beautiful nodes to lights. Portela is more Sativey, so it can be also seen on how she grows, she's already more spacey than Indica type Negra44. These both will be nice plants.

Here they are, all together. Still plenty of space to go. I wanted to have wide spectrum of genetics here - from pure Indica Kraken, to much Sativa Mango Haze. Pitty Kraken was not to able to make it as good as needed.
Love the genetic spectrum. The plants will take whatever space you offer them when your rooms in the zone. I'm sure this will be a fantastic sight in a few weeks

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Some news on Kraken
She started to grow really well. Putted out lots of new branches everywhere, even too much for time she has to put up in size of them all. So i removed very top of her with few new nodes, bent her some to open nodes to lights. Now she has 4 nice beautiful new branches + another 2 nodes o top, that will be just enough to grow all them faster and get chance to flower together with them all.
Defoliated Negra44 and Portela, cleaned all small nodes off, left 8 colas on each, this will be just enough and this defoliation will be some stress i put on my plants on purpose, to trigger some defense mechanisms on them, in veg this has very positive effect and costs only few days to do, which is nothing for photos.
Must notice that plants recover well under Telos, that is very positive factor for these growers who likes to manipulate their plants in way they want. This Kraken clone on reveg and my actions towards my plants and their reaction to thast are a perfect examples.
So, here is Kraken today and all them together, after defol. Now it's max couple of weeks before flowering, no more manipulations will be done. All this takes a couple of weeks more to do, but in the end, i want full grow box packed with nice even beautiful colas with bud.
And look to that CBD Mango haze (biggest one) - just remember what it looked like before, and now even fact that she has most of colas, poorly slows her down! She really will take most space here (and will flower longest).

Looking very lovely! Do you defoliate mainly the undergrowth down there at the moment? I've been doing defoliation each day now and it feels like I've done nothing after a day since the plant has grown more leaves again at that time and it is all busy again. :biggrin:
That is exactly why i defoliate them, bro :D You know they says "What doesn't kill you - makes you stronger" - that is very real thing.
I removed bottom growth - all small new nodes, because otherwise plant will spare energy to grow them and they would not become normal colas anyway, and fan leaf around them, as this stressed plant a bit (really not much, in nature they are eaten very often), and plant then put all it's life power to grow all that's left after defol. Also i am removing leafs here and there sometimes to spread growth hormones from tips to bottoms and other colas. That's in case if one cola is growing way too fast in comparing with others - just remove fan leaf from points of active growth in top of colas and that cola will slow down it's growth immediately, while all other colas will boost up.
Only removing only leaf which have their stems, longer than 1cm, though. This is important to let that node to form normally, it may not be able to form normally, if fan leaf is removed earlier.
That is exactly why i defoliate them, bro :D You know they says "What doesn't kill you - makes you stronger" - that is very real thing.
I removed bottom growth - all small new nodes, because otherwise plant will spare energy to grow them and they would not become normal colas anyway, and fan leaf around them, as this stressed plant a bit (really not much, in nature they are eaten very often), and plant then put all it's life power to grow all that's left after defol. Also i am removing leafs here and there sometimes to spread growth hormones from tips to bottoms and other colas. That's in case if one cola is growing way too fast in comparing with others - just remove fan leaf from points of active growth in top of colas and that cola will slow down it's growth immediately, while all other colas will boost up.
Only removing only leaf which have their stems, longer than 1cm, though. This is important to let that node to form normally, it may not be able to form normally, if fan leaf is removed earlier.

Very good info there! Thanks! Yeah I've learned over my grows also to go and remove leaves and even some branches at the bottom that you can see will not go anywhere and that giving good results are more energy to the top colas.