Lighting Portela, Negra 44 (R-Kiem), CBD Mango Haze (CBD Crew) and Kraken (Buddha seeds) under Telos 006

This is how i made light insulation for my box. Using self - expanding tape, aluminum stair corners, 4 big neodymium magnets and few 3d printed parts for all. It works, no lights are getting in or out, doors opens like it is a fridge :D
Damn your handy! great stealth cab, and as TaNg said great idea drawing air over the heat sink!

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So here we are, couple of days later. Plants all seems to be already noticeably better. Did not fed or watered them, there is no need still.
These two seems to be good after fimming, new nodes are taking over. Negra44 is a bit better developed, as it was from the beginning.

Kraken clone is gaining some color, so i think it started to root normally, that mens it will start to put up other plants here. Must say it started to recover fast under Telos. But still no new nodes, means reveg is only about to start. It will, eventually.

This CBD Mango Haze still looks sad, but it is better already ad it has beautiful 4 branches, which will be more than enough to form nice bush of her. She's stretchy so she will put up in size very fast.

This lasto one is Icer, and it lives :D Gained double in size, so it seems to have chane after all. Thinking about putting it to old small box under HS1 to flower, or under some 10w of white light to put it in almost sleep till next party in main box.

No life should be wasted!
Here they are alltogether. Still small, but promising :)
So here we are, in one week under Telos. Today fed them with normal tea first time. 3 of 4 plants started to develop faster, so i will not hold them from that anymore. Till now all they fed only on RO + some CalMag and now they start to look a bit hungry. Hoping that this tea of 400ppm will not be too much for Kraken clone, which only now rooted normally and started to revegetate. Dont know if she will be kept here till the end, may leave only 3 plants if 4th will be too small to take it's space between others.
Anyway, here we go
Negra 44 and Portela were stretched today for first time. As smaller plants are not both very perspective, i will grow bigger another ones, so decided to give some boost for another couple of branches for both of these plants. If not needed, will make nice clones from them later.


This CBD Mango Haze looks to be well after all that happened t her, and she has 5 even branches now. I think she may race with her bigger sisters really soon. Fed her and stretched today too.

Last one - Kraken, went to reveg only now, so im not sure that she will be able to gain needed size together with bigger plants. May vove her separately to veg further, if she wont take her space in time. Removed glass jar today, fed with same tea as others, hoping that this wont kill her now. She was very bad, all this procedure went too loong, it seemed.

All togerther, still small :)
First couple of weeks after starting to form them, they always looks pretty messed up. But after that, when needed structure is in place, they compensate it all :)
Pitty Kraken was not able to root and reveg earlier, i was hoping for better, if honestly. But nevermind, these 3 others will be able to rip that box apart by themself soon, as now with nutes and some green mass already in place, they will grow faster every day. I think about 3 weeks more to veg here (maybe even 4), want to fill all possible space in this box also.
I am very excited about the modular nature of Telos. I am wondering how adaptive might the MeanWell driver on it be if in future we get more energy efficient modules that require lower wattage. I bet it would also be handy for early vegging and whatnot to be able to switch out individual modules.
All drivers have their V/A output, so you always could power up some chains of LEDs on them, just need to do some math and that is super easy. I think btw that Telos is a lights for a life time, just need to change LED modules time from time and maybe driver in like 10 years. This is superb variant of lights, cant imagine better and more rigid option for constant use, honestly.
What about turning off some modules - no way to do this with original Telos, need to rewire it and use few relays together with other driver, no other way i see possible for this without messing something up really quickly. But there is another easier way - to have second small box with some weak lights in it, for first week or two :D
All drivers have their V/A output, so you always could power up some chains of LEDs on them, just need to do some math and that is super easy. I think btw that Telos is a lights for a life time, just need to change LED modules time from time and maybe driver in like 10 years. This is superb variant of lights, cant imagine better and more rigid option for constant use, honestly.
What about turning off some modules - no way to do this with original Telos, need to rewire it and use few relays together with other driver, no other way i see possible for this without messing something up really quickly. But there is another easier way - to have second small box with some weak lights in it, for first week or two :D

I chatted with Daniel just a minute ago and he said they are working on a digital dimmer for Telos and HS1. That sounds so awesome!