Well, 24 hours later I'll go back and look at the 50 gallon tote. There is very visible mycorrhizal activity. Evidently it must be thoroughly mixed throughout the tote because I churned the hell out of that bastard yesterday! Got a good mix and got a lot of air back into it.Well I just come back from shopping and I checked the 50 gallon tote on the back porch. The first stir was a few days ago. This thing is heated back up to levels that it first went up to, but more even.
This tote really got fired up! I expected a response, but damn! The only thing I did different on this tote is after the compost tea was brewed I added 2 teaspoons per gallon of aminos just before using lean mixture to bring up the moisture in the tote to the proper levels. I guess that just helped the microbes breed and reproduce like crazy! All the roots are gone!
So I stirred that stuff up!!!!![]()
I'm fairly surprised with the extent of the activity of microbes and mycorrhizae. I've always made compost tea to bring the material in the tote up to the proper moisture level. I'm thinking the only change I made was the addition of the aminos.
I checked both totes because I need to add the media from a three gallon bag. The 50 is full and raging, so I'm not gonna interrupt that! The 40 gallon had a little bit of room in her and wasn't quite fired up to the same extent as the 50 .
I don't need enough to make compost tea and waste it, so I'm gonna do the next best thing. I'm just gonna hit it pretty hard with Recharge, Great White Mycos wettable. So to feed the microbes in the recharge and in the media, I added 4 teaspoons of aminos and four teaspoons of my
I spread it out the material from the three gallon pot and then mixed everything together. I put about two cups of it organic chicken laying crumble on top and then top that off with some bokashi. Then I added the entire gallon to the tote.
Hopefully I'll see something similar to what I got in the 50 gallon tote.
Has anybody seen the same response from adding aminos to your re -amending in your tote?