Completed Wild Bill does EarthBoxes under HLG DIABLO 650R and various fire girls!

And there was 3!
Banana Bread is in the drying box whole at 105days. I had to bend her a bit to get her to fit without bunching her up. Conditions in the drying room is optimal for a nice long dry. If I have the same conditions as the last, she should go 19 days.
The girl I just put in bags could have dried about 2 more days and that would have made 17 days. I've had to burp her in the Grove bag. I knew I should have been a bit more patient. The stems were just a hair too springy, half-assed cracked.:biggrin:
It's not too bad.It willl be good in a few days. I don't mind burping!:eyebrows: Smells are great! Buds had that nice crystalline spongy feel. The frost has kinda crystallized together to give that firm feel. It will give a little, but after a bit of pressure.
Only the 4x4 is running. I moved 3 Bears OG X Samsquanch by Mephisto to the front.
All are coming to an end fairly soon, but Knows Candy may be another 10 days or so. She's still packing the buds. She'd been a pretty big girl if she'd been in a Regular Earthbox.
I think Mangos N Chem would easily be the most productive in bud if I were to dry her. With her leaf to bud ratio, she's a hash plant for me. She'd be a lot of work to trim up and I have plenty of bud.
I guess AmberLamps is busy elsewhere! I couldn't find her!:shrug:
I mainly checked 3 Bears OG X Samsquanch, thinking she was close, but I checked all 3.
3 Bears OG X Samsquanch had some amber on sugar leaves, but almost none on buds and still had a good number of clears.

Not a lot of difference from prior update, other than fattening of Mangos N Chem and Knows Candy buds. 3 Bears OG X Samsquanch seems to have slowed.


Mangos N Chem


Knows Candy

3 Bears OG X Samsquanch

A little size prospective on Night Owl Mangos N Chem. Definitely no the biggest cola, just the easiest to get to.
Big colas are cool, but can be a pain in drying. I was gonna make her a hash plant because of the bud to leaf ratio, but she's grown into those damn leaves. I think she's still destined for the freezer. I'm real reluctant/leary to dry her for flower.
Either way, she'll make a good bit of flower or hash.
What do you guys think? The way the first two dries this round progressed, she would go an easy 20 days in dry.
edit....................FYI.............I can palm basketballs. :cools: No small hands here. :eyebrows:
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And then there was two! 3 Bears OG X Samsquanch by Mephisto got chopped last night/ She's cut up in branches and sitting in my trim bin. I think I'm just gonna finish her up and put the buds in the freezer.
Did a trich check on other two girls. No amber at all on Mangos N Chem. Knows Candy is a mixed bag of ripeness, but it looks like she may go this week.

3 Bears OG X Samsquanch at 113 days


Trich pics of Knows Candyand Mangos N Chem.

Knows Candy and Mangos N Chem
Thanks! It's been an interesting and productive run. Learned a few things and will tweak the next run.
Next run should be more productive!
We are never too old to learn but we must act and then we learn. So nice to see the ladies. Thanks for sharing.