Lighting Portela, Negra 44 (R-Kiem), CBD Mango Haze (CBD Crew) and Kraken (Buddha seeds) under Telos 006

Here we go, flowering further. Seems that i did found a good tea with BioLush at last. Using DIY CalMag, Shultz Bloom food (10:54:10) for Phosphor and BioLush, as source of Potassium. Seems like plants are feeling good now, and that is pretty good tea for full flowering. Kraken was stretched even more, now she is taking more than half of the box. No mold seen, so Negra is fllowering further, still drinking noticeably, so im keeping her further.
Another plant has finished flowering and was cut down and is now drying. That's R-Kiem's Negra44, this one came out well and was able to ripen nicely. SHe smells great, although she's not very oily one. Anyway, she is finished now and only one plant is left to flower further, that's reveged clone od Buddha Seeds Kraken. She's flowering nicely and seems to at last like the tea im giving to her.

DP's Desfran has eaten all nutes in substrate mix I use, so started to give her some other food while she waits for Kraken to finish flowering in bigger box. Few weeks more to go!
Negra also was cuted down and dried. She is very tasty, but nut so oily. Will cure her before actively smoking,

Kraken is flowering further, getting full teas and counting last weeks, if mold will not end her in few days.
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Hey looking great chunky colourful flowers. Do you have any observations about the Telos spectrum or intensity as regards feeding or any other thoughts about the light in general.

Looking forward to your next project.
Hi bro, yeah I do have some.
About intensity. It is pretty good, the fact that box is 60x80 and it is only 170W LED device, the intensity is pretty good. Plants were eating i would say middle strenght tea, 650-700ppm for every watering on coco is good average.
About veg under this lights. Comparing with HS1, this is more veg friendly. Growth is good, internodes are longer, overal plants wants to grow taller. I'd say in veg, Telos is leading.
Flowering is going well, especially having in mind that it's 170W for 0.5m2. Flowers develops well, plants does not need special CalMag treatment, whan used with deluted tap water at all, and that gives a space for other nutes to add.
Although, i would say i notice that under pink HS1's spectrum plants had more oils. I think this is because of blue LED's, which are not present in Telos. And this would be only one not so positive moment in this review. Also i must admint that plant growth speed and overall ease of use and maintenance compensates that oil moment fully.
In this grow i did had some moments with feeding, when testing unknown PK booster, so everything could be a bit better. But nvm, next grow is around the corner and it will be even more interesting. Will present my DIY watering systems, adapted especially to small air pots, that will be some new xp for me and maybe for somebody reading this also :)
Thanks for the write up bro. Interesting you think cal/mag issues are less. Others myself included have noticed mag def due to such powerful intensity? Could be my feed schedule and too little soil/ too few amendments/tabs on my first run? Time will tell .

I have found I need the light at 70 or 80 Cm to encourage stretch.But fully agree on the big plants Telos raises, and lighting quick growth. Not to forget penetration the lights real strong point, dense nugs top to bottom!
Could be my feed schedule too, as I went with totally new nutes, and CalMag is included in their formula, maybe a bit higher than in nutes I used before.
Most beautiful thing is, that I even don't think about bigger lights to this box, as I do not see the significant need of them, and that is only 170W on 0.5m. That is impressive to me at least, and I will do another grow on organics soon, to do another test, maybe more successful than this one. Although this one was not so bad too, i'm happy and high :D
It is time to close this diary, and this will be my last diary of a kind, from now i'll do single diary for all grows. And this diary has came to an end, Kraken was flushed, harvested and dried, gave 65grams of nice and very potent real Indica buds. Could keep her longer, but there are other plants waiting for that bigger box, so it is no point to keep this Kraken ever longer. Anyway, she had her good time and these plus couple of weeks i had gave her.

Thank you for reading this, hoping you did liked it. Will see you soon! :)