Lighting Portela, Negra 44 (R-Kiem), CBD Mango Haze (CBD Crew) and Kraken (Buddha seeds) under Telos 006

Here we are, 5 weeks in flower. That first testing of BioLush resulted in some nute burn, especially seen on biggest of all my plants, that's CBD Mango Haze. I seen worse ofcourse, but that is also not good thing. She also has too much colas for such small roots, i regret that did not removed part of them, when it was a time. Anyway, she is flowering further and this nute burn was not anything fatal, so here she is.

Some minor nute burn can be seen on Negra 44 also, but she seems to be in better shape than Mango. She has thin stigmas, while seed bags are normal, looking very interesting beside others

Next goes Portela, she did received the same tea and took it very well, and she looks very good, smells too

And las of them - reveged clone of Kraken, she is in 4th week of flowering, and she is real octopus, with one leg missing :D
Few days plants were given mild tea i know well to recover after that minor burn, and now they received new tea with BioLush again. This stuff is so concentrated, this time i gave only 0.6-0.7ml/l and that is 150ppm, and it has risen pH instantly in tea, which means it has lots of Potassium. Now plants received 750ppm tea, which should be balanced for them, only i have some doubts if Phosphor is enough in all tea, which will be seen very soon. Anyway, i like what i see, organic Potassium witch lots of good elements could help greatly, only right dosage is needed and i am about to find what it is.
Photo with flash, they all together


And this is my kindergarten, it has clones of 5 strains now, they are slowly vegging under 10W white chinese LED, growing very slowly, but they are growing and developing nodes, so plan is to keep all of them this way till spring, or maybe i will turn on HS1 for them some day to make them race and the winners will move to flower under Telos, will see.

Ant in my kindergarten there is another baby, that's small DP's Desfran. I 3d printed tiny micro airpot for her, stuffed it with Cellmax Organic pro substrate and will let her to veg slowly till flowering under Telos ends now. She will have plenty of nodes and some roots developed till then, so after moving her under Telos she would shoot everything she has and alone fill all my grow box, that will be organic grow.

See you later!


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Thanks guys! Im happy you like what you see here :)
And here another week passed, flowering normally further and no new burns at last. Using BioLush every time now, 100ppm to tea, plants seems to take it well.
Here is reveged clone of Kraken, 4 weeks into flowering. There are tiny marks of burns from 2nd time i gave them BioLush, but after that nothing is burning and she is flowering just beautifully.

CBD Mango Haze has way too much colas, needed to remove at least half of them, when it was good time for that. Now she is a forest of colas, and plenty of bud sites, but no impressive ones. Vapor of her oils are good though, already tasted her, and her only still :D
mangohaze (2).JPG

That's Portela. She was leading week ago, but now she is not in a hurry to swell. Hoping that's coming later.
portela (2).JPG

Negra44, seems like she is starting to ripen, and in 2-3 weeks will be ready to harvest. Did special photo session for her
negra (3).JPG
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Today harvested Portela after finding mold on one of her buds. This was early harvest, not planned...

Together CBD Mango Haze was harvested too, seemed suspicious, but after manicuring and cutting all to small pieces, no mold found there. Anyway, what's done that's done

Negra44 was watered for last time with plain RO and is in final stage, will cut her in few days when other plants i harvested now is dry.

Kraken is flowering well, asked for more P, rised it a bit.


Will stretch her soon more and put closer to lamp. but dont know if she will be here till very end, as another one, Desfran, is already growing under 10W lights and waiting for bigger box to become available.
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Thanks guys!
This mold is combined result of my mistake (Potassium burn, first it seemed minor, but it resulted in immunity drop) and RH at my place, it is less than km from sea and outside it is always crazy high. Anyway, that is not a tragedy and both plants gave me some good pleasant oils. Portela is 28g dry, that's what is left after everything and CBD Mango Haze is 61g dry. Ofcourse that is way from results they would give if everything would be ok, but that is not so bad after all :)
Harvested plants were splitted to small pieces to avoid mold while drying

CBD Mango Haze is very nice to smoke, but still has strong head - high. It will cure a bit and after at least half will be put to edible oil.

Portela is crazy strong, after decent vapor not only nose is feeling numb, but also head instantly is starting to spin, that is some poison :)

After removicng couple of plants, RH is stable up to 50%, and Negra 44 is still putting out new stigmas and noticeably drinking, so instead killing her today, gave her good tea for ripening, left her for longer while closely watching her for mold. My hand cant kill her yet :D


Kraken is on testing Biolush further. Now she has shown Phosphor defficiency, as i was guessing some time ago. So i think BioLush is something like 0 - 20 - 50, something like that. Made tea today fully customized for this stuff and specially for agressive flowering phase, will see if i undestand that well. Tea is mild, 500ppm on RO only, but it should be enough now.
Also stretched her widely and now she takes more than a half of the box and rised her closer to lamps, tops are basicly ~30cm from lamp now and same height as .Negra44.


And Desfran is growing slowly, waiting for her turn. I think she will have 3-4 internodes till then and i will make quick shooter out of her under Telos :)

This one will grow organically, one thing i am searching now is a method for adding organic Phosphor to this airy mix. Found some bacterial products, but their prices are way to high for me. So i suppose i will have to use some Phosphor with solutions i already have.
Happy new year everyone!