Live Stoners Pictures by The Rebs

Yeah bro I see them all the time. They like our creek... when it HAS water LOL After the Issac remnants tho... I'm sure I'll see them again. I see them over by the river a lot... In the marshes and inlets. get a camera bro! It's a pot heads best friend! :smoke: Other than the obvious best friend!! (mary jane LOL). Cuz I don't know about you or any other AFNers but we always see the craziest shit when we're stoned!! Hell Turkey Vultures and Black Buzzards are huge too... Few days ago I was on a back road and came up on two of 'em eating roadkill of some kind and they both flew up and took off as I approached and one flew right up about 5 feet over the wind shield for about a 1/4 mile then veered off but shit it's wingspan was like 4 or 5 foot... Them Herons make them look like Titmice...

Kindred! What up Broski?! Thanks for checking out my pics man! I just got a new laptop (well, it was for Mrs. Reb and she didn't like it lol so I kept it) and I got too move a lot of shit over from my other HD so I'll be posting some goodies as I get things crackin' on the new system! :smoke: Thanks for coming by Bro! Hope you've been well man!

loving the woodpecker pics what a beautiful site :dance:
i need to get a good camera so i can get some pics of these yellow and black, red and black, and blue and black birds that i think are finches

rebel have you ever stumbled across a grouse in the woods?

The yellow and black sound like a goldfinch. Red and Black could possibly be Purple Finch... They are reddish even though they call them Purple... Blue and Black doesn't sound like a finch... are they mostly black and look bluish in the sun light? Starlings look like that. Never seen a grouse here... have you? Are they eatin' birds? LOL

loving the woodpecker pics what a beautiful site :dance:

Why thank ya Si!! thanks for stopping by!

that's why i need pics they all flock together they all are same looking bird just different colors the

y/b males are bright yellow with black wings the females are same but dull almost green

r/b males bright red with black wings the females are very dull colored

b/b males are bright blue with black wings the females are again dull colored

but like i said they all look the same just different colors

ive only seen a few grouse in my years and every time they scared the shit out of me and yeah they can be a eatting bird

Im off to search Google and burn some Russian
here's the closest i could find


OK bro I gotcha on the pics...

Blue boy there is a Indigo Bunting. Male. they are only here in the summer. Probably why you see them in flocks..

That red one COULD be a Scarlet Tanager but the ST has a ivory colored bill... not black. They are also Summer birds. Not 100% sure on that one as their are SLIGHT differences... Also the female STs are Yellow and Black...

That last one is a Male American Goldfinch for sure.

that's why i say i need a good cam cause those b/b and f/b are close but not exactly but pretty sure that the y/b is what i see here
ok mister big book of birds are there falcons in wv cause bout 2years ago i seen what i believe was some sort of falcon cause this thing came zipping out of no where and landed on a tree and it was definitely not a red tailed hawk or a turkey buzzard which are common here