Live Stoners Pictures by The Rebs

ok mister big book of birds are there falcons in wv cause bout 2years ago i seen what i believe was some sort of falcon cause this thing came zipping out of no where and landed on a tree and it was definitely not a red tailed hawk or a turkey buzzard which are common here

Not only do we have peregrine falcons we got like 6 different types of Hawks at least, and 3 or more types of Buzzards. Even though that book doesn't include Falcons I've seen them myself as in NY they are very common and seen them my whole life. So we have way more shit in this State than is documented. Falcons (peregrines specifically) are the FASTEST animals of any kind on Earth. They can climb straight up in the sky, then they do a "death dive" where they zoom down as fast as they can and hit their prey to knock them out and out of the sky. Very brutal LOL but awesome!

well i found a pic of what i saw it was a peregrine falcon then i come across this what do you think it is

You know the first thing that comes to mind is a 1000 plus year old Sea Turtle... Especially that side shot and close up of the face. You can see the Beak kinda and the shape of the body looks like a turtle minus the shell. You know a few years back something similar but WAY smaller washed up in Montauk Long Island they called the "Montauk Monster". It was a turtle that died and was shell less. It's common for them to get separated from their shell after death. Turtles look WAY different without their shell for sure! But I really don't know. That's just my educated guess... if you wanna call me 'educated' :smoke:

:clap::clap::clap::clap: crystal clear pics beautiful birds never seen anything like that in the u.k unless its in a pet shop

Hey Si! I believe those are pics Snipe got off the net trying to ID what he was seeing around his place... I have a lot of bird pictures of the multiple birds in the area... I'll get them up soon as I dig 'em out the archives! :smoke: We have a finch feeder similar to what you see pictured in that Gold finch pic. But it's a large sack we fill with Nyjer (finches LOVE nyjer) and they just hang on it and eat out of the holes in the mesh. Very cool to see them all hanging and grubbin' out!


And Snipe needs to get a good cam so we can compare critters!! :lol:
yeah those were Google pics

they been trying to repopulate peregrine falcons but they aren't doing to good yeah

and i never would have thought turtle i was thinking part of a giant squid
Hey bro! Giant Squid that I seen on documentaries are more torpedo like and don't have eyes in the front like that... their eyes are on the sides and the beak is in the middle of the tentacles that have to be spread out and open to expose the beak... that's why I was thinking Turtle from the big beak in the front, you can see the eyes there on the front next to the beak, closed of course. And then the shear mass of it. Width. Reminds me of a turtle out of the shell.

That's great they are trying to reintroduce the Peregrines here.. I wonder why they aren't doing well. I would think just from WV being so rural and country they would thrive. BUT, now I think of it they thrive in bridges and buildings in NYC so they are probably like pigeons LOL they need some human intervention to thrive lol
I forgot to ask you... Have you heard of them trying to bring Elk back here or they did try but failed years back...? Always thought that would be bad ass but probably bad for automobiles... Since there's more deer than people in WV and insurance claims for hitting deer are tremendous yearly here... Imagine Elk? :no:
i remember hearing something about it i wish they would have thrived that would be killer

don't know about why the falcons aren't doing good
Reviving The Thread!! Shroomage!!

As some of you know recently Rebel got a Rebel! LOL A Canon Rebel T3i... I have this bad ass Black Mushroom on my land so I went to take some pics of it and I noticed some more Shrooms and more shrooms lol all around the entire area so I got picture happy... And at the same time revive this Photog Thread!! :cough:

Variety of Species (I'm guessing :D I don't know anything bout Shrooms so if any are edible let me know! LMAO! Just for reference! Not gonna go out and start chompin on caps and stems! :no:)

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And as usual... my Buddies followed me out of the woods looking for some scratch grain and Amish Bird Seed! They love their peanuts!
TURKS_7-13-13 2.jpg


If anyone feels like contributing I can turn this into a Community Photog Thread for us all to enjoy and share our love for capturing incredible things! Feel Free to post! Just please post responsibly and safely! Like no pictures of yourself (unless edited) or things that could risk security... like license plates and such.. just be aware! :D
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I never got into Fungus. ..
Did it once and that was enuff. .
I like some shrooms but Criminis mostly. .
Baby bellas. .
And oysters
I forgot to ask you... Have you heard of them trying to bring Elk back here or they did try but failed years back...? Always thought that would be bad ass but probably bad for automobiles... Since there's more deer than people in WV and insurance claims for hitting deer are tremendous yearly here... Imagine Elk? :no:

Hey Reb they brought Elk back here and at first it was great but now they are more aggravation than what they are worth. They have all the deer scared off from here now and they have no natural predators so they are everywhere it would be ok if we was allowed to kill them but you have to put in on a lottery drawing and there's not that many tags(Fish and Wildlife are getting rich) I have at least 20 to 30 in my yard every morning two big ass bulls one is a 7x6 and the other a 6x6. But they are nice to look at hell you can walk right up to them without them running off they sure are not afraid of you.
Hell Reb that looks like turkey dinner to me :crying: