Live Stoners Pictures by The Rebs

The Wild Turks -- First 4 are Splitty, Middle two are of Split Beard & Whitey (as you see he has white wing feathers and missing stripes), and last ones show Whitey's unique wings

SPLITTY 2_7-14-13.jpgSPLITTY 3_7-14-13.jpgSPLITTY 5_7-14-13.jpgSPLITTY 6_7-14-13.jpgSPLITTY 7_7-14-13.jpgTURKS 3_7-14-13.jpgTURKS 5_7-14-13.jpgWHITEY 1_7-14-13.jpgWHITEY 3_7-14-13.jpgWHITEY 4_7-14-13.jpg

Rocky (without his little Bandits. He has a HUGE mate that isn't as tame and 3 babies. 2 of which are as tame as him. the other 1 stays with Momma)
ROCKY 4_7-14-13.jpgROCKY 8_7-14-13.jpgROCKY 16_7-14-13.jpgROCKY 19_7-14-13.jpgROCKY 20_7-14-13.jpg

Some Gray Squirrels hangin' with Grackels. One is with Splitty...
GRACKELS & SQUIRRELS_7-14-13.jpgGRAY SQUIRREL 1_7-14-13.jpgSPLITTY & SQUIRREL_7-14-13.jpg

Baby Red Bellied Woodpecker. It's parents are "Archie & Edith" aka "the Bunkers". I have pics of them too...

BABY RED BELLY 1 EDIT_7-14-13.jpgBABY RED BELLY 2 EDIT_7-14-13.jpg
use send me a Turk I'll send u a brine gonna pm ya summn shoot dat bitch tho I'll tell ya summn but ya gotta
It consist of
1 Hog lard
2 needles for injection
3 butter and spice ...welln...i blend em ..
If ever ya need some step I can "Guara--nan--tee it be SWEET !!!!
LOL ..
nice bro ...
But id have to eat one of Dem birds ...
Well shit your ma bud so here's the first tip ..
Stuff thinly sliced bacon under the skin with spices and butter blended .."Compound Butter" ...
Now ya can roast Dis slowly then hit some heat for a crispy ...
Or smoked it ...
Deep fry it ..
Sear it
braise it .

Man im going all "Bubba" on dat bird ..

Love some wild Bird ol man !!!
Sorry bro I know this was good intention but that gave me wood ...
:D: here's some more cool stuff! orchids mostly...
Reb- Turkey-birds! they've been making a real comeback around my area... LOL!- Workin' up O'l Splitty like that! stone cold, man... LMAO!! I can imagine his crushing disappointment when he finds no Honey's are talking him up, just some poser!

Si} I know what you're angling for in your pics, mate! It's very difficult to capture what your eyes see for that kind of optical shot... Rainbows need special lens' and skills,... It does certainly look like a lovely, interesting days/eve!

DooBage} thanks bro',... your new toy takes great pics, and from the porn shots, you're getting it dialed in!

Swampy} Yup, mon amie, tre' bon....! Did you scope out CA Carnivores? Indeed, some of the trick varietals can be spendy, but I'd stick with the basics, like a V. Flytrap, which you can pick up at many places, OSH, local nurseries/garden centers... I see cape sundews, hybrid pitcher plants (different from Sarracenia l.), even Nepenthe hybrids... if they're happy, they can build up quickly! test drive a couple of these first, then go for the special ones,...!

009.jpg010.jpg<- Schoenorchis juncifolia, growing on cork bark... wisteria-like flowers, very lovely...

017.jpg018.jpg<-- :D: super-freak alert! Catasetum atratum-fimbriatum cross; smells like oranges and ginger,...these are one of the few sexually dimorphic orchids (separate male and female flowers), these are male, and have a trigger hair inside the flower that fires off the pollen packet like it's spring-loaded, right onto the bugs backside! ... can shoot it about 8' if you aim right! LOL! pervy!

033.jpg039.jpg038.jpg<--$$$$ rare$$$; sent to me as something else by accident by a dickhead collecter, who's now lamenting his ripoff ways! LMAO!! Cirrhaea longiracemosa :Stones slap: -that's Latin for ya! Another 'mobile' flower spike... I've looked for this orchid for years,.. all I got were laughs and head-shakes!

036.jpg<--Ah! not an orchid-LOL! This is a Cephalotus, an Aussie Pitcher Plant...rare also; a plant this size is worth about $400+ (from last year, it's bigger now)

004.jpg<-- Stanhopea martiana

013.jpg<- Dendrobium canaliculatum, Aussie native..
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cheers waria ive never realy took pics other than my canna lol so trying to get better :smokebuds:

Reb Ol Spitty is great and love rocky the rac lol
Yea I got the photo bug thanks to this site and my mom lol i grew up with the dark room in the Pic of me that she took have bin on display in museum's in NY and i guess its in the blood lol getting into brings back trips to Old timey towns and train stations lol Got to love the smell of developer in the morning lol
Sweet deal reb! I used to breed a subspecies of eastern box turtles called three toed box turtles.... can you guess why? Woops I had no idea they went for fungus, most animals don't. Mushroom season is coming up here in Oregon. The boletes and chicken of the woods are going to start popping up any day now, we've had half a week of overcast skies and drizzle. The drop in temp and raised moisture levels should have them feeling rowdy.
Yea I got the photo bug thanks to this site and my mom lol i grew up with the dark room in the Pic of me that she took have bin on display in museum's in NY and i guess its in the blood lol getting into brings back trips to Old timey towns and train stations lol Got to love the smell of developer in the morning lol

Royalty checks---:woohoo:
The American Queen -- The largest Sternwheeler on the planet! She hails from Memphis, TN and has 7 decks! With the stacks up she's 99 feet tall. Her pilot house sits over an empty room as it can come down as well to clear all the bridges... These pictures were of her visit in the area last week. Docked and creeping into one of the Locks & Dams as she cruised up the river! Amazing site to see in person. As you can see she's like a hotel on the water. She made that speed boat look like a dingy!

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Awesome pics Reb she is a beauty bro:Cool: