Live Stoners Pictures by The Rebs

Great pics and another great thread Reb!!!:thread:
i think there a bob cat in the freezer :crying: but i bet you mean alive. no never seen a live 1

and don't worry your turkeys are safe around me ive only shot 1 and ill never do it again cause they are the foulest smelling thing ive ever smellet when you gut them

SO is that the new Sniper strain? Frost Cat? (Frost Dragon hahaha lol) Just kidding bro! Bad Joke! LOL When I was real young I saw a mother and cubs way up in this dead tree on our property. There was a huge hole bout 40 feet up and she was in there with the cubs and they were all looking out. It had become very popular in the late 90's to go "cub hunting" to sell the babies as pets. I remember the underground rings getting busted there for a while. I know they are all over around us... They are just so damn elusive!

I also have 2 big ol' Great Horned Owls that Hoot all night long. And I mean ALL night long. When we had that blackout I had the back widows open and that one would sit like 40 yards from our bedroom widows and just HOOT HOOT HOO HOO HOO HOO HOO. Then you could hear the other one far off answer. Back in forth all night. It's kinda soothing after a while :smoke: I would LOVE to get a pic of one of em but I need a better flash/spot light. Or night vision! :D

Dude, I thought of you the other day... I was over at my Brother in Law's and his buddy had left him a .17 caliber Sniper rifle to look after while he was away. Bolt action. Didn't see the makers mark or anything so not sure who made it. That thing was so PRECISE it was AWESOME. The bullets were so small it was crazy but black tipped. We were shooting holes through the O's in Coke cans :D I never knew they made any smaller than a .22. It was pretty sweet! Fun to mess around with! Guns are so much fun... :howdy:

Great pics and another great thread Reb!!!:thread:

Why thank ya Insert!! Great to have you along for this one too! Photography is just as much a part of our daily lives as MMJ is! It's cool to see you all interested in a couple stoner's pictures LOL We are also heavily into the Paranormal. Kinda ties into the photography. I have another thread for that I started a while back. Whether you believe in the paranormal or not some of the pics make you really wonder... :smokebuds:
Sounds like a trip to moundsville is needed bro :thumbs: The fall would be good so it isn't so stinking hot inside the prison :smokebuds:
Hell yeah Dude! I wonder if Old Red would talk on the EVP for us... that would be something! You been to the Sugar Shack? That place is twisted... Isn't that one of the most active parts of the prison? And ghost hunters were d-bags tryin to say the famous Moundsville shadow man picture was the dudes own shadow who took the picture! His OWN shadow? On the wall like down the hall in front of him? If that was the case wouldn't the shadow be in a picture taking position as well? Not just standing there? I don't know but, I thought that was lame of them to try that weak de bunking of the most famous picture to come out of there. I think they were just jealous! :p
yeah 17 are tiny and fast little bastards my 22mag 3shots 1hole 75 yards its my go to gun

man we got a lot of owls ive seen them during the day but never had a cam just a scope :D
Dude the hole is my favorite place in moundsville. I wonder if they have finished the upper part yet? Supposedly found a lot of masonic and satanic stuff behind the walls in the offices!
to tell a Jake from a tom its all about the tail feathers when they fan them out in full strut on a Jake the center feathers are longer on a tom they are all even in that pic looks like you have 3 toms

yeah red fox screams are crazy

This is it--promise--I won't overkill this Thanksgiving topic ;). I believe sniper's intent was to give us a hunting lesson. When in the field one wants to bag the 'big meat'--so--shoot towards the ass of the one with the longest tail feathers :twist:.
Alan look for the tail fan to be even like in that pic and you take the mature birds and leave the others to mature

but like i said the smell horrific when you open them up

the crazy shit is when a tom goes from normal to hot for hens and their head goes from a dark color to bright red very quick
yeah 17 are tiny and fast little bastards my 22mag 3shots 1hole 75 yards its my go to gun. man we got a lot of owls ive seen them during the day but never had a cam just a scope :D

I've never seen an owl during the day... Only heard them and seen then fly around at night... Only Owl I ever saw up close was in Gettysburg... After 1am the Wife and I were down a back road near Sachs Bridge and the Wife's just snapping out the window when she looks at the view finder and sees this big ol' owl chillin on a fence looking down into the meadow... So I back up and get right alongside him and put my arm out the window aiming with the cam... He turns and looks right at me. I snap one off... He's still as a statue... I got to zoom in and the lens zooming out to focus spooked him and he just flew down into the meadow. If I can find the pic I'll post it.

Your gun sounds like my type of weapon. :thumbs: There's a bunch of Henry guns I want to get. a couple .45s... A nice Mossberg Shotgun... and a few others... I'm into the old guns too.

Dude the hole is my favorite place in moundsville. I wonder if they have finished the upper part yet? Supposedly found a lot of masonic and satanic stuff behind the walls in the offices!

I haven't been up to Moundsville since late 2009... So I haven't seen it to be able to say BUT I do know for a fact that a Satanic Pentagram was indeed found in the administration offices foyer or whatever you call it... It's actually a stained glass pentagram so whoever put it there obviously had some high authority. Rumor is it's either a former warden OR it was part of the original blueprints (most likely) so whoever put it there had a purpose. Here's the best shot I can find of it for you to see it...

moundsville pentagram.jpg

the crazy shit is when a tom goes from normal to hot for hens and their head goes from a dark color to bright red very quick

Dude, it's amazing how they do that... And that Snood I was talking about... that's that thing above their beak that covers their face when they are in heat or whatever. Next time Ol' Hank's doing his dance I'll video him to show you what I mean... I've seen ours go bright white or almost blueish white instantly when the hens come around. Since they are here all the time and preen right after they eat... they are constantly dropping feathers everywhere. I have quite a collection going lol The other day I go out to the car and there's a huge wing feather right behind the car in the driveway lol It's pretty cool. I got a shit ton of feathers. I'll have to take a pic of em all and show ya.


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