Live Stoners Pictures by The Rebs

do you know how to tell a tom(mature male turkey) from a Jake (immature male turkey)

Sniper - oh how you have opened yourself up on this one. I will not google it. Someone knows--probably 'Stunted.' :twist:
Beard and claw :smokebuds:
before you kill it dub cause ive seen jakes with 9" beards
right on with the spurs though
hint they have to be in full strut to see it
Hmm... You got me there Snipe! I'm thinking Snood? It's the only thing that's different when they are in full strut. I haven't seen the young jakes strut. One of 'em tries to LOL but he just pops his fans up and wings out to the side real quick then drops em back down LOL And him and Hank make this weird air noise... Almost sounds a bit like hydraulics on a bus letting out when the school bus would stop and open the doors LOL But not as long and drawn out. real quick like but it's funny.

I'm still learning so much about them... I got this book "my life as a turkey" from the Wife for my Birthday and the PBS DVD Doc they did after the book. But, I'm halfway through the book and I'm waiting to watch the DVD because the book is always better!

When I'm up close to them... Bout 3 - 4 feet away... I can see the spurs on their legs. They look like tips of a dagger... I'm dying to know now! And I'm not gonna cheat and bing it!! But, I'm thinking the Snood...???
Forgot to thank you for letting me know that's a Fox Squirrel! We don't have them in south NY, well maybe they do now lol, but I've never seen one before. Then this big ol' Dude comes bumbling down the hill to the salt lick LOL I was like :no: What the heck is THAT!? LOL

Man last night... I open the back door to let Weeg in and soon as I opened the door I hear this horrifying Scream right in my front of me, but in the darkness in the woods LOL So I'm like WTF!? And I was trying to see but, you know trying to look in the woods at night with no light is just pointless LOL But, I've heard Barred Owls scream Bloody Murder and Bobcats are eerie but never hear a cat at night... So I start scouring YouTube for animal noises and scored. It was a female Red Fox. I guess they do that in early Summer to attract males or locate their cubs... It was creepy as shit! Sounded like a damn Banshee!!

to tell a Jake from a tom its all about the tail feathers when they fan them out in full strut on a Jake the center feathers are longer on a tom they are all even in that pic looks like you have 3 toms

yeah red fox screams are crazy
Awesome bro! That makes sense now why the two Jakes we have... when they fan their tail feathers out only the two middle feathers are real long and the side feathers are even but much much shorter... Thanks Bro! You got any Bobcats round you? I was watching crazy vids of Bobcats going up to people sliding back doors to check out their house cats LOL I would SHIT if I saw a Bobcat looking in my back window! :crying:
i think there a bob cat in the freezer :crying: but i bet you mean alive. no never seen a live 1

and don't worry your turkeys are safe around me ive only shot 1 and ill never do it again cause they are the foulest smelling thing ive ever smellet when you gut them