Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

I have two totes of soil, one I used which was a custom recipe made with the 2.1 Mastermix soil builder from and the current custom mix I'm using with the KIS Organics Nutrient pack..Psssst *whisper* the KIS Organics one works better but the Tlosoils one isn't bad at all especially with the other additions..I've had the mastermix sitting for months now waiting to be reamended.When I do reamened it, I'll document it here, amounts that are added back and inputs that are used..One thing I know is I'll be reamending the 2.1 Mastermix with the KIS Organics pack and just thinning it out with extra coco/peat/perlite ( fresh perlite will be added ) with the addition of fresh worm castings and composts, aerated to texture..ROLS - Recycled Organic Living Soil..The goal for me in the long run is to just build my soil with amendments, ( no bought food packs ), master my own recipe that I can share,and know the exact amounts to be added back and what to add back doing it with my eyes closed..Lab soil testing would give a good idea as well.Remember,I'm no expert,though I can hold my own, I still have a lot to learn..We are always learning.
its a big learning curve dude just now beginning to get off the to speak dude :bow:.....i think what you are doing is good work dude:bow::bow:.....its good stuff:vibe::pass:
its a big learning curve dude just now beginning to get off the to speak dude :bow:.....i think what you are doing is good work dude:bow::bow:.....its good stuff:vibe::pass:

Thanks, yeah I dabbled in your standard shake n' bake organic mixes as a kid..Looked up recipes online, never really wrote them down and just eyeballed things with a lot of guess work..Hmm 1/4 cup of this,1/2 of this, sprinkle some lime hmm that looks like enough maybe a pinch more etc..They actually worked, but it was more of a holy shit it worked other than yes of course it is working type deal..Now that I'm older, I want a better grip on it and there is so much information plus YouTube is around now and so forth that it just takes a little reading,listening,question asking and a hands on approach to nail it..Nothing like some clean bud,grown the way it was intended to be grown..The soil does all the work..I don't really have much content as far as journal updates because the grows go on auto pilot..Other than a tea here and there, all I can say is hey adding that magical input, water.

Thanks for stopping in.

Here's a pic from February of the previous 2.1 Mastermix I used that I have to reamend.While I was finishing using the rest of this mix up, I had a spare tote I was dumping the used soil into.I then broke up the root masses super fine,snipping them into small pieces about an inch or so long to be broken down by enzymes later on before reamending.Everytime I made some rice wash or teas, I would take the rice from the cheesecloth after soaking or the contents from the Brew bag ( steer manure, bokashi,worm castings etc ) and throw them into the recycle tote as well..A few days later, lifting the tote to be greeted with some nice mycelium growth..Notice the condensation on the tote walls, created by active microbiology producing heat.

A website I stumbled upon earlier today which is a gold mine of information..

Here's a piece copied from there on IPM

IPM stands for integrated pest management. I’d recommend spraying your plants with some variant of this twice a week in veg. I like to give them a pure water spray down every fourth foliar just to keep them from building up any residue. Give two clean water spray down’s prior to switching to flower.

Modern IPM
  • Natural Mystic (from Dragonfly Earth Medicine) – 1.5 TSP per Gallon RO water, left to sit overnight in a dark space at 76 – 82 degrees. Do not add anything else to this yet, let it sit by itself overnight.
  • Insect Frass – 1.5 TSP per Gallon RO water, added two hours before spray to the Natural Mystic Solution. Do not add anything else to this, let it sit two hours.
  • Essential Oil Blend (from BuildASoil) – 1 TSP per Gallon RO added right before use.
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 1 TSP per 2.5 Gallon RO added right before use.
  • Aloe Vera Powder (from BuildASoil) – 1 TSP per Gallon RO added right before use
  • EM-1 / LAB (Homemade, recipe coming soon) – 1 TBS per gallon RO added right before use
  • AgSil16 (from BuildASoil or KisOrganics) – 1.5 TSP per gallon RO added absolutely LAST
  • Neem Oil (Cold Pressed, from BuildASoil) – 1 TSP per 2.5 gallon of RO water added right before use. (Only use Neem and Karanja Oil if you feel needed, such seeing the very beginning stages of plant warning signs others omit it)
  • Karanja Oil (Ahimsa Organics Karanja Oil – OMRI Listed) – 1 TSP per 2.5 gallon of RO water added right before use. (Only use Neem and Karanja Oil if you feel needed, such seeing the very beginning stages of plant warning signs others omit it)
  • Make sure the water is about 85 degree now (If possible). Shake / Stir everything until some foam appears on the top on the water. This will show the AgSil 16 / Aloe are emulsifying everything.
  • If using HPS/MH water before lights off anytime you use Neem / Karanja Oil.
Well, after finally watering until about 4:30 this morning, I did some pruning..Mostly on the sativa pheno which had plenty of spindly undergrowth, I removed budsites that were only about 2-3 pistils which would amount to barely anything when bloom is over..Pretty much about 2-3 nodes up from the bottom..I didn't remove the plant's solar panels (leaves) under there,just weak branching with lackluster development..We then focus that energy into worthy flowers..Watering consisted of exactly 5 drops of GO cal/mag, 0.6 ml of Mammoth P and 5 drops of castile soap per gallon of water.
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Well, after finally watering until about 4:30 this morning, I did some pruning..Mostly on the sativa pheno which had plenty of spindly undergrowth, I removed budsites that were only about 2-3 pistils which would amount to barely anything when bloom is over..Pretty much about 2-3 nodes up from the bottom..I didn't remove the plant's solar panels (leaves) under there,just weak branching with lackluster development..We then focus that energy into worthy flowers..Watering consisted of exactly 5 drops of GO cal/mag, 0.6 ml of Mammoth P and 5 drops of castile soap per gallon of water.
dude I am always unsure about the spindly i usually leave it on....I think of them as "Solar panels" as well haha.:crying: