Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

The 40" DG in the back left day 52...

The fan leaf to your snow balls



My next run is going to be the Forum Stomper as I've mentioned before..I'm going to experiment with them,either topping at the 4th node,LST or a combination of both but light LST.I'm going to run 3 of them to give them some room to spread out and open them up and the run after that will possibly be Forgotten Cookies..I seen some Forum Stompers get pretty tall, so topping them might be a good idea and LST for yield.
Middle of a cola from the front right plant..Going to take way longer than the other 3 from the looks of it, but then I can leave her in there with the 2 lights,open her up :eyebrows: and really let it bulk as much as it can...Nice frost and sticky as those hanging fly strips.


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5:30 am, starting the day by filtering some tap for the upcoming watering..You can see with the sediment filter on the right, it needs to be changed..It was pure white when I got it so you can imagine the shit it pulls from my water..The carbon filter needs to be changed as well..Before I start the next grow,this will be taken care of.

Some miscellaneous stuff I use

The elemental pump and 4 inch airstones to keep my water moving and bubble off any possible remaining chlorine in the water..The 50w aquarium heater is ideal for the winter time (especially for teas) but I've been using it lately because my water from the hose has been coming out around 57°F so I set the heater and keep it around 70-75.


This pump I received from Tealab with the tea kit..571 GPH, it gets a 5 gallon bucket's water jumping.


Here is the 400 micron tea bag and bubble snake from Tealab I use


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