Outdoor OREGON GROWN #4 Greenhouse growing in a ruff rural trailer park .

Hey @dankstyle J [emoji481][emoji482]...
Can you treat the tree too?
With a Predator bugs.[emoji221]

There big trees I wish but the environments gotta be just right for beneficials to live humidity an temp an I don't think I could get the satchel s up on the canopy .I do know that if the trees dead an its a cold winter I will have likely no problems with broad mites an will be back growing kick ass.I won't be growing indoors an will start up grow in March in the greenie running a two season light dept on one season .
After I went out to the greenie this morning I was more then pleasantly surprised I believe by keeping the greenhouse closed an regular warm temps cannabis most deadly enemy won't stand a chance against me I have stopped spraying as it is not effective against a burrower in the stem .An heat deters them enough for me to have faith in a good crop in a closed greenie .The tea I made with fish bone meal feather meal cotton seed meal sea bird guano. Langbenite. Rock phosphate blood meal kelp meal milk an bat guano seems to have got them fighting like a brave pics later.
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