Lighting Not getting much frost

I'm sure, I've read you can feel the lights as soon as your exposed to them. I think the Agromax put out more uvb then the reptile 10.0.
I plan on trying these out once I get moved and build a new groom.

Interesting lamps.
This is supposed to be good too. Half way down the page. UV-B (306nm) Midrange Lamp

I think the reptile lamp I purchased today is not the best UVB technology out there for growing. But its a start.
I found this thread. Take a look at the user LED05 and read his posts.

And the product he is talking about is in the US and available online. It's a tiny 5 inch bulb, but looks to be super strong UVB. He says he keeps it 4' away I think, which might be to far for some tent setups.

Interlight will be able to get the right fixture/ballast for this bulb too. I"m going to look in to it.

Edit: There are at least 4 different size/wattage rating for this type of UVB bulb from Ushio. Not just the 1 I linked above. The guy I mentioned is using the 15 watt version. Here is a link to a page with 4 different sizes. midrange
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Yes happy plants make the most trichs.
Hmmmm, maybe I should consider creating an "audio imaging loop" that fawns over the plants, telling them how lovely they are and how without their existence we would carry far more sadness. You know, just pile it on how great they are yadda yadda blah blah blah.
Hmmmm, maybe I should consider creating an "audio imaging loop" that fawns over the plants, telling them how lovely they are and how without their existence we would carry far more sadness. You know, just pile it on how great they are yadda yadda blah blah blah.

Actually unhappy plants make the most trichs too. Blast them with dangerous UV light which they probably hate, but it does produce lots of frost. Or stress them out in other ways environmentally. Basically at certain times if you treat them like shit, they will reward you. How many things in life can you say that about? Certainly not your spouse or sig other or your kids or family and friends or your boss or coworkers. It is only with cannabis can you do this!
I can't believe what happened in the last day. Not sure if it is a fact I can really say is true. Its so subjective and so many other factors are involved. But I put my new 2 foot 10.0 reptile tube over a plant in mid flowering for about 5 hours yesterday. About 10 inches away. I turned the bulb off last night. Went and checked that plant this morning and I swear there is way more frost than before. Like before the small buds had no frost that I could see with my eyes. And today I can see frost on the sugar leaves that was not there yesterday. Other factors include I raised all the autocob and HPS lights two days ago. And I converted one HPS shade from a glass cool tube to an open shade and I can tell there is a different light happening now (its more orange/red in the tent).

I moved the UVB tube to another plant today and will leave it on for a few hours and check tomorrow. I'll have to just keep putting the UVB on my plants in a controlled way as much as possible and see what happens. Might have to take some before and after pics too.
So here is something. I picked up a 24 inch reptile 10.0 UVB bulb and put it over a plant for the last 3 days. 72 hours basically. and each 24 period the plant got 5 hours per day of UVB. Distance was 12 inches.

This is what she looked like a week ago. I wish I had a before shot from Weds when I added the UVB.


This is what she looks like now. I noticed frost development right after the first day of using the UVB light. But this proves squat really since I can't say it was just the UVB light that did this. It could have been other factors, like the plant was ready to start the frost anyway.

So here is something. I picked up a 24 inch reptile 10.0 UVB bulb and put it over a plant for the last 3 days. 72 hours basically. and each 24 period the plant got 5 hours per day of UVB. Distance was 12 inches.

This is what she looked like a week ago. I wish I had a before shot from Weds when I added the UVB.

View attachment 885786

This is what she looks like now. I noticed frost development right after the first day of using the UVB light. But this proves squat really since I can't say it was just the UVB light that did this. It could have been other factors, like the plant was ready to start the frost anyway.

View attachment 885787
That is a heck of a change. Would be curious to see if the extra frost really correlates with increased THC. I’m still not sure I want one in my garden because I play around in there all the time and stoner me will forget, at least once, to turn it off.
That is a heck of a change. Would be curious to see if the extra frost really correlates with increased THC. I’m still not sure I want one in my garden because I play around in there all the time and stoner me will forget, at least once, to turn it off.

I ordered a higher output UVB tube that is used for germicidal work, so I plan to play around quite a bit with UVB supplemental lighting. Forgetting they are on is a concern for sure. I'm thinking I'll have them on timers, so put something else on the timer like a colored bulb that flashes or ideally a fog horn!
I'm thinking I'll have them on timers, so put something else on the timer like a colored bulb that flashes or ideally a fog horn!
I am currently using two thermometers with remote sensors that came with displays. I monitor my temps just bit above canopy. One unit has an alarm function that I don't use, but might come in handy for your needs. I'm able to keep an eye on temps when I'm downstairs.