Indoor Nice Option's Garden of Intergalactic Delights

Had great results with them, really good stuff. It's not the cheapest but since switching from GH trio the difference is night and day. Plants are healthy, roots are healthy, works so, so well for coco. I'm not planning on using bottled nutes for much longer but whilst I do, I won't even look at another product.
Should also note there was a little Great White in there too, so that won't have hurt.

Definite photoperiod convert over here already, so much more flexibility in grow style and way more forgiving in terms of timings. Autos will always have a place in my heart and they absolutely provide top notch smoke as well as yield but maintaining two tents will be much easier with photos I think. Keeping on track of different feeds and growth is proving to be a bit of a challenge with the autos on top of the photos already. Not to mention pulling enough RO from my little 50 filter is a massive pain in the arse.

Absolutely not knocking autos at all though, they're amazing and totally serve a purpose, I'm just not sure I have that need anymore now that I have more space.
i use the canna coco range right now but substitute the pk13-14 for advanced big bud and overdrive works good great smelling and tasting end product but just a bit too much nitrogen when i have to add calmag on top so id like to try shogun id say the diference is night and day switching from the GH trio get the job done but no taste or smells really my friend used it for years
i second your feelings autos are great especially if you have a small space or can only grow a plant here and there i always have one going somwhere but for keeping to a schedule its not great when some autos go 90+ days nevermind the odd one that dont auto you know that all too well my bro in saying all that get keep getting the itch to do a full tent of some jammy dogers
i use the canna coco range right now but substitute the pk13-14 for advanced big bud and overdrive works good great smelling and tasting end product but just a bit too much nitrogen when i have to add calmag on top so id like to try shogun id say the diference is night and day switching from the GH trio get the job done but no taste or smells really my friend used it for years
i second your feelings autos are great especially if you have a small space or can only grow a plant here and there i always have one going somwhere but for keeping to a schedule its not great when some autos go 90+ days nevermind the odd one that dont auto you know that all too well my bro in saying all that get keep getting the itch to do a full tent of some jammy dogers

There were certainly some of the Mephisto strains that caught my eye when they were supposed to drop last 420 but they didn't show up and now I've kinda got my heart set on other things.

The plan is to have a photo indica tent and a photo sativa tent moving forwards. If my GF allows me another tent down then line, perhaps it'll be given over to the autos but in all honesty, it's enough work for me to look after 8 plants and realistically more than i can smoke anyway.

GH did it's job but nothing more. It was fine and definitely produced some decent smoke. Terps were there but not as pronounced as the Shogun. The Critical Kush was the only thing I've had on shogun from start to finish and even uncured she smells and tastes fantastic, so yeah I'd wholeheartedly recommend them.
DAY 14 for Holy Grail Kush and Cataract Kush

Transplanted two days ago, the root ball looks fantastic for 14 days. They got a little droopy afterwards but that's to be expected.


Into 15L fabric pots





This was two days ago, so I'm playing catch up a little.

This morning they had perked up a bit, and looked happy in their new homes.
The feed changed from Shogun Start and Katana Roots, and switched up to the big girl food yesterday (day 15). Giving them pretty much full strength as they looked like they needed a boost. I also topped them this morning (day 16)

They seem to be pretty happy. Perked up a bunch and generally loving life by the look of it.

Cataract Kush



Holy Grail Kush

Leaves have that wet paper kinda look but I'm not worried, she looks happy to me and both took their toppings without a hint of stress.



I think the HGK is gonna be an easier plant to grow, spacing already looks better on her. The CK is gonna be a stumpy little girl I can tell, not sure how well she'll fare in scrog but we'll see how she goes. She was a freebie so it's not the end of the world if she doesn't turn out so well. Basically 100% indica I believe so yeah, I'm not sure about the training but it'll be a fun experiment if nothing else.

I've had a nightmare trying to get the HGK beans to germ and had to pick up a new pack, i also let DNA know and they kindly sent a new pack free of charge, so I have a bunch on hand now but they're very slow compared to what I'm used to with the autos.

This is the one behind the other


and the other one which I'd written off as a no-go but she popped up to join the party.


It would be naive to think that the different stages of growth won't present some issues but hopefully they can catch up a little. I'm thinking that the scrog will be my best friend for this issue as the older ones can spread out a little. I dunno... we'll find out!

Anyway, thanks for indulging me and my rather long post. Really digging these photoperiods so far and super excited for the next few weeks.


Nice to see you are growing some meds for the fibro my friend! Bot of these girls look incredibly healthy and looking forward to watching them grow.

Your CDLC looks really good to, you cant tell she was neglected, still has some thick frosty growth to her!!

Keep up the good work, always a pleasure to read your threads.

Nice to see you are growing some meds for the fibro my friend! Bot of these girls look incredibly healthy and looking forward to watching them grow.

Your CDLC looks really good to, you cant tell she was neglected, still has some thick frosty growth to her!!

Keep up the good work, always a pleasure to read your threads.

Thanks NG!

She has no weight to her and quite leafy so she'll win no prizes for bag appeal but I reckon she'll be a nice smoke. Absolutely covered in huge bulbous trichomes and very, very greasy. Wish I had a press for this one. I'd just squish her all into live resin if I could.

I totally underestimated how quick she'd be to finish actually, checked trichs this morning and quite a lot of ambers so I've just put her on flush now. I'll go 5-7 days and chop chop time.

Looking forward to giving the White Chem my full attention and getting a bit more to take home from the party.

Thanks NG!

She has no weight to her and quite leafy so she'll win no prizes for bag appeal but I reckon she'll be a nice smoke. Absolutely covered in huge bulbous trichomes and very, very greasy. Wish I had a press for this one. I'd just squish her all into live resin if I could.

I totally underestimated how quick she'd be to finish actually, checked trichs this morning and quite a lot of ambers so I've just put her on flush now. I'll go 5-7 days and chop chop time.

Looking forward to giving the White Chem my full attention and getting a bit more to take home from the party.


Ahhh, never mind bro at least you got some fire!! I had the same issues with my double grape but i just pushed her and she gave me 3 zips in the end

so not all lost. To be fair now she has cured for about 6 weeks, the taste is a deep red wine almost musty and understated smell but a really really heavy stone.

Two joints of her and i am asleep. Amazing for muscular pain after the gym etc... or as i learnt the other week... lethal if you are still hungover!!!

:crying::crying::crying: cant underestimate these girls!

I think i am going to do a White stomper in the 5x5 too... Illuminauto 11 i think it was. Seems to be a big frosty girl. They were just freebies so it will be cool to see

what they produce too.

I have noticed the similar thing with some of the mephisto plants. They can go from being almost to ready in two days so i have my finger on the pulse

when they finish and alter feeds etc accordingly... Maybe im just shit :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying: or always stoned.

The full attention of green fingers will be bliss i am sure.

Peace brother.
Having a happy harvest this evening :cooldance:



Damn Nice! :drool:Another fine harvest, really beautiful looking plants. You got the nice big nugs out of them, beautiful pics of it too. :bow:

I too am loving the photos, but I’ve yet to grow my first Meph, and I’ve only grown the one Dutch Passion so my next grow will be autos all the way. :thumbsup:
Ahhh, never mind bro at least you got some fire!! I had the same issues with my double grape but i just pushed her and she gave me 3 zips in the end

so not all lost. To be fair now she has cured for about 6 weeks, the taste is a deep red wine almost musty and understated smell but a really really heavy stone.

Two joints of her and i am asleep. Amazing for muscular pain after the gym etc... or as i learnt the other week... lethal if you are still hungover!!!

:crying::crying::crying: cant underestimate these girls!

I think i am going to do a White stomper in the 5x5 too... Illuminauto 11 i think it was. Seems to be a big frosty girl. They were just freebies so it will be cool to see

what they produce too.

I have noticed the similar thing with some of the mephisto plants. They can go from being almost to ready in two days so i have my finger on the pulse

when they finish and alter feeds etc accordingly... Maybe im just shit :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying: or always stoned.

The full attention of green fingers will be bliss i am sure.

Peace brother.
White Stomper? Sounds nice. Is the a Forum Stomper x White Chem? I grew out a Ghost Stomper a while back and she was absolutely excellent. Yielded really well, huge colas and a beautiful hazey, frankincense/sandlewood kinda thing. Very nice uplifting racy high which levelled out into a beauty buzzy body high. Amazing for pain and not too appetite stimulating, which for me is good as the munchies can be killer for me sometimes!
She was a huge plant, nice and branchy with quite a pretty OG structure. I'll be growing her again actually. All the stomper crosses I've seen have been similar and very very nice. Not sure why they've not made them available for a wider release, but perhaps I just lucky with that pheno and they're not that stable.

Should be nice anyway!

Yep, I agree with the Mephs going from nearly there to almost past it in a matter of days, can be challenging to time the flush correctly for sure.

I think we're all always stoned! It's a hazard of this hobby :crying: but could be worse right!?

Damn Nice! :drool:Another fine harvest, really beautiful looking plants. You got the nice big nugs out of them, beautiful pics of it too. :bow:

I too am loving the photos, but I’ve yet to grow my first Meph, and I’ve only grown the one Dutch Passion so my next grow will be autos all the way. :thumbsup:
Thanks DP!

She turned out well yeah, tastes great already too. I'm surprised with her. She was a freebie but ended up being a favourite. Nice classic OG flavours with a slight citric kick. Very very pleasant high, if you smoke enough (as I did last night) it can actually be a little psychedelic too, i had some nice closed eye visuals which reminded me a of a gentle ketamine high almost. Took me be surprise and kept me awake a little longer than I'd like but enjoyable for sure.

Lower doses it's just a really nice gentle, zero anxiety body high, very restful and stress relieving. A M A Z I N G for fibro pain, the best I've found yet. I have some patient friends who i think will find it very good for their issues. Gotta prepare yourself for the munchies, but I have a friend who's going through chemo that really needs that at the moment so I think it will be great for her.

Overall very medical but definitely has some rec appeal. I would recommend if you want a good yielding, unfussy kush.

Always nice to get a surprise like that! My Dinafem OG Cookie is knocking my socks off, the best high I’ve grown yet and she’s barely dry. I looked her up and thc is listed at 20% which doesn’t sound all that high but maybe I got lucky, because she’s fire.
Always nice to get a surprise like that! My Dinafem OG Cookie is knocking my socks off, the best high I’ve grown yet and she’s barely dry. I looked her up and thc is listed at 20% which doesn’t sound all that high but maybe I got lucky, because she’s fire.
Very nice! Seems like most things hit with the OG deliver in the flavour department even when fresh. I take testings with a pinch of salt as all the terpenes and smaller cannabinoids come into play as well. Strongest smoke i've come across was a Chem D tested at 18% and it sure as hell felt like it was pushing 30. Everyone's system is unique. All part of the fun!