Hello AFN.
I'm brand new to growing and started my curiosity after finding some seeds in my green.
I've watched videos in the past before and germinated them correctly. Planted them in some soil I had laying around curious if they would grow, and they did!

I've given them some decent natural light from outside and just water. They're growing slow because at first I just had them in a window sill. They're probably about 6 weeks old nothing too crazy.

Fast forward to a week ago, I found out about AutoFlowers, and decided to check out some videos, which lead me to the spacebucket.

I wanted to go with a spacebucket / spacebin design but my s/o pointed out I had a huge double thick cardboard box that I could use.

I call it "Casper the Ghost" sleeper grow.
New to the forum, so not 100% how i should be posting photos.
No advertisement intended. The Casper Box is just under 2 feet x 2 feet x 4 feet.
The logo made it a great place the cut out an opening to get inside the box.
I found some reflective bubble wrap at my local hardware store and taped it on the insides.
The right side houses all the electronics. This box was initially suppose to be put aside in a corner, so only from one angle you could tell something was growing inside.
Top and bottom of the box I placed a USB powered fan, intake on the bottom and exhaust on top. I've covered the fans with an old panty hose to screen out any insects / hair. I have 2 rabbits that run freely.
The last object I have outside, is a RH reader and a Temp reader.
Inside the box, is the reflective bubble wrap. For lighting I have a 125W 6400K CFL from Sun Blaster. At my local hardware store there was an amazing deal for an LED strip with a 4500maH powerbank for $12, so I thought cheap extra lighting and free powerbank. I have the LED strip wrapped at the bottom for extra lighting. This was intended for the AutoFlowers I plan on growing.
For soil I use a mix of Coco and Perlite, and for Nutrients I use a blend of Gaia Green 444 and 284.
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Thanks for reading so far, but that not the end!

I've purchased some AutoFlower Seeds from Mephisto, and they should be arriving on Friday or so. I want to do this right so I had a few questions for the veteran growers.
I'm starting to second guess my CFL, and leaning towards returning it and getting a COB or LED panel for lighting options. What would you guys recommend for lighting?
Another question I had was, is it possible to run a perpetual set up in this small space.
Start one Auto, and then start another one maybe 4-5 weeks later. Me and my s/o only smoke about an ounce a month, but we like variety.
Thanks for taking the time to read my little blurb, final question!
What else am I missing ? PH Pen is something on my list, anything else?

I do plan on starting a journal when I start my Autos.

Thanks for reading,

hey @davejpg and :welcome: to afn! :toke: first off, me not sure if there may have been some crossed signaling (or mebbe me jus stoned :tongue:), but if ur growin autoz, then u never need to switch the the lightz to 12/12 for flower...autoz depend on time, not light ;) just set the light on 18/6 & forget it, from seed to harvest :thumbsup: some peepz run em 20/4, some go a full 24/0...i meself stick to 18/6, becuz all living thingz need sleepy time to rest & reset, and/or heal...tiz all part of the circadian rhythm....but that'z anuther story, lol :rolleyes2:

secondly, the light itself...the cfl u have will be fine for vegging, but u'll want sumthin stronger come flower time...i mean, cfl'z will carry it all the way through ok, but lack the intensity to form good, hard bud structure, unless u have a lot of em...on the other hand, there'z the box :rolleyes1: believe me, i've seen growz done in all sortz of diy cabinetz (me included, lol), but simply put, cardboard is, u guessed it, a serious fire risk...now, in that regard, cfl'z don't put off a lotta heat, so as long as u got good airflow & tempz, it should be ok (ya, me see ur lil 4" metal fanz, hehe...the same onez every single one of us seemz to own...thoze & the same green waterin pot, haha :rofl:) but, led'z do put off a lot of heat, so...jus sayin, and sumthin to think about ;) and well, jus to compare a bit, i'm dealin with a 22x42x48" space, and jus got through findin out the hard way that 1000w of full on led was jus too much for me girlz, to the tune of $90 (anybody need a light-? lol), so me took it out of the equation & am goin old school with a combo of good ol' t5 fluro & pigtail cfl'z...me got about 12,000 lumenz goin, and they're def happier now, but they're also gonna be preflowerin any day, so we'll see :shrug: but, me ramblin & need to get to bed, so jus give a holler if u need help & sumbody here will alwayz get back to u, k-? :thumbsup:

ppp & cya round the farm! :biggrin: :headbang:

:420: :bong:
Just dropping by to introduce myself as a new AFN joiner - looking forward to sharing info on this beautiful plant! This is my first post, so hi everyone.
Welcome to afn faction. Look around and do t be afraid to ask questions. What do you have growing?
Welcome to afn faction. Look around and do t be afraid to ask questions. What do you have growing?
Hey there Dudeski - thanks for the welcome. I've got a 3 strain Mephisto Genetics grow just started in DWC. If I do a journal should I resize images or will the site take care of that - they're hi-res phone pics. Cheers!

**** EDIT ****
I've worked out how the image/album thing works and have started a journal:

cheers - really liking this site, lots of positive energy.
Last edited:
Just dropping by to introduce myself as a new AFN joiner - looking forward to sharing info on this beautiful plant! This is my first post, so hi everyone.

hey @Faction and :welcome: to afn! :toke: this is a great commune & anything u need, jus give a holler ;) as far as picz, me thinkz me remember hobbsey sayin after the last update that picz can be up to 8mb without havin to crop, so u should be fine on that :thumbsup: oh, and the loose word is that the site will be down one more time for final updatez, probly this next weekend...but again, that'z tentative, so jus a headz up

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :cools:
Welcome @Crazy_Greggy thanks for jumping in and voting, it's more than OK for any and all to Vote, lovely colors on your Devil.
Welcome @davejpg great place to start is the new growers forum here https://www.autoflower.org/forums/new-growers-forum/
New growers grow journals here if you would like to start one https://www.autoflower.org/forums/new-growers-grow-journals.44/
Hi and :welcome: @Faction

I grow in DWC too, will pop over and check out your journal.
Hey there Dudeski - thanks for the welcome. I've got a 3 strain Mephisto Genetics grow just started in DWC. If I do a journal should I resize images or will the site take care of that - they're hi-res phone pics. Cheers!

**** EDIT ****
I've worked out how the image/album thing works and have started a journal:

cheers - really liking this site, lots of positive energy.
The positive vibe is what afn is all about!