i wasn't sure where to post an intro but here it goes. I'm mudballs, i've been smoking pot since the late 80's but didn't try to grow until 2014 due to real life responsibilities. i grow outdoors in texas,USA but that's not how i started. When i started i was interested in autos and did well with one Amnesia Haze Auto. i even bred that with a photo and didn't even realize i had made 'fast versions'.
this is the offspring of that very cross.
View attachment 1474897
i had no idea what i was doing, lol. but i was hooked, been growing and breeding non-stop since. I spent most of my time on Rollitup...it's all i knew, i didn't know there were other forums for ganja. Then one day i started a thread to post about stuff i find on IG that i like and got trolled so bad i decided i should look for another place.
Yesterday i found something on this website that got my juices flowing....the raffles!....omg i want in on raffles. so here i am, saying hi and hoping i don't get trolled off this site just for being a happy version of me.
Just starting into trying to produce my own seeds...Glad to have another pollen player aboard.
i wasn't sure where to post an intro but here it goes. I'm mudballs, i've been smoking pot since the late 80's but didn't try to grow until 2014 due to real life responsibilities. i grow outdoors in texas,USA but that's not how i started. When i started i was interested in autos and did well with one Amnesia Haze Auto. i even bred that with a photo and didn't even realize i had made 'fast versions'.
this is the offspring of that very cross.
View attachment 1474897
i had no idea what i was doing, lol. but i was hooked, been growing and breeding non-stop since. I spent most of my time on Rollitup...it's all i knew, i didn't know there were other forums for ganja. Then one day i started a thread to post about stuff i find on IG that i like and got trolled so bad i decided i should look for another place.
Yesterday i found something on this website that got my juices flowing....the raffles!....omg i want in on raffles. so here i am, saying hi and hoping i don't get trolled off this site just for being a happy version of me.

heya @Mudballs and :welcome: to afn! :toke: best canna site on the web here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

Just starting into trying to produce my own seeds...Glad to have another pollen player aboard.
I'm trying to be one haha, applying some 50ppm CS to a female tonight, would you spray the whole plant or just brush enough on bottom branches?
Just starting into trying to produce my own seeds...Glad to have another pollen player aboard.
forgive my freshman ignorance, i see a bunch of people posting and giving thanks for rep, though i do not know rep's significance yet. thank you for the rep bill, im catching fire here on my first day :smoking:happy to help if you ever need any cuz i've been busy getting hands on with pollen and males. breeding and cannabis is the first real study subject i've cared about since highschool.
thank you 420, can i ask what ppp stands for? lol....i know a bunch of acronyms but that one is throwing me.

(here we go again....:face: :rolleyes2: ) short verzion -> ppp = puffpuffpass.....................................................feel smarter now-? :coffee: ppp