@Corgy ... no clue why you would say such a thing.

5 years growing with LED, 6 different brands, GN hands down gets me better results consistently.

And since HS1, it's NOT another chinese rebrand or QC central. Is it 100% legit UK manufacture.

Lets not forget there is also opinion bait, and bias bate. All sorts of "baits". Just ask D.Trump.

Master is my favourite.
The HS1 still holds its own grams per watt

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I don't want to sound like I'm slamming 'Cob' arrays but from what im reading on Instagram and other forums cobs are great to start with but heat kills the efficiency of LEDs so placing 100 chips right next to each other opposed to spacing diodes out on a board can affect the performance over time.
@TaNg are you liking the look of quantum boards then ?? wish i could afford / get my hands in 4 hs1`s. them cobs are producing some pretty impressive results though :thumbsup:
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Jes dude but claiming that you have finished product who is nearly done and it's just around a corner to get mass produced and put in sale it at least childish! The date was march or something like in summer 2016..Now we are in first quater of 2017..
how much credit will you gave them?? And what is with dudes who are waiting since april (fools) to buy HG1 ?? Wanting to go form hps to led? are they morons?
Jes dude but claiming that you have finished product who is nearly done and it's just around a corner to get mass produced and put in sale it at least childish! The date was march or something like in summer 2016..Now we are in first quater of 2017..
how much credit will you gave them?? And what is with dudes who are waiting since april (fools) to buy HG1 ?? Wanting to go form hps to led? are they morons?

You can go out TODAY and buy a totally cool Volkswagen Polo, or even a Mercedes AMG, and complain delivery is late and be royally pissed.

But if you want the next Bugatti Veyron, you really don't want to push for delivery. You want unquestioned quality. Quality is not measured by time. Definitely sucks to wait, but GN have been totally upfront about why this is happening, and in my book is yet another reason I'm happy to wait until it's ready.
I know nothing of gn little of vw.too much about fancy cars.
The waiting list on a veyron is so long because each car is custom made right down to the colour of the stitching on the head rests.
That is the only reason a veyron takes so long.:pighug:
I know nothing of gn little of vw.too much about fancy cars.
The waiting list on a veyron is so long because each car is custom made right down to the colour of the stitching on the head rests.
That is the only reason a veyron takes so long.:pighug:

duh! that's is why it's called an "analogy" :joy:. Could have said a Koenigsegg CCX, or better still, a Tesla Roadster.

Point being, veyron owners, just like us, are itching to get their product delivered. But none of them compares the delay to a VW. Also veyron owners need to make a down payment, so they are very much entitled to complain. We, are not.

Also, no pre-order crap like others out there.

The only thing bad about this is the LED competition is indeed entering a second stage of competitiveness, so the longer the product cycle, the less competitive edge GN has. Fingers crossed for a kick ass piece of gear
I don't want to sound like I'm slamming 'Cob' arrays but from what im reading on Instagram and other forums cobs are great to start with but heat kills the efficiency of LEDs so placing 100 chips right next to each other opposed to spacing diodes out on a board can affect the performance over time.

That's you have any links to back that up?

I take it then that the future won't hold a COB based GN light............
Hi all,

Just want to say again, no one is being asked to wait neither have we taken pre payments or done any crowd funding. If you have chosen to wait to see what we release before making a decision on new lighting then thank you, we appreciate the support and faith in our company's abilities and products; it most definitely does not make you a moron or fool as suggested. It is much more likely you are someone who has been around the industry for long enough to know that we take allot of pride in our work and only want to sell the best possible product and/or you have had a GN product before and know our aftersales service is comprehensive.

There has been a few other comments regarding the technology we might include, whether it will be relevant when the product actually hits the market. I just wanted to let you all know about one aspect of the development of this new light; I mentioned in the tech talk about the developments CREE have been making with the photo red's 660nm and how they now have a 60% (approx) global efficiency which is as good or better than most royal blue chips. Last year we entered into a direct sales agreement with CREE and they have provided us a rich amount of extra support and data like spectral power density measurements of all there white LED's, PPF measurements of sample systems and we even had their Horticulture expert from Durham (US) come and sit down with us in Durham (UK) to discuss the development over the next few years and see how we can sync to CREE's development time line. The new systems will be using a mixture of high CRI white and monochromatic Photo red LED's. It has been designed around the latest gen components from CREE and it will be one of the first horticulture systems to market using the new top bin XPEEPR-L1-0000-00C01 which has 3+ μmol/J electrical efficiency at 350ma. You cannot get more relevant than that and as I first mentioned when I talked about this new system we will be very competitive with US and with China build products when considering the cost vs output, efficiency and lifespan.

We are very close to showing off the new light but we have hit some recent delays. We're not going to rush a product to market that isn't the best it can be but whether your are waiting for it to drop or not please appreciate we are just a small company trying to make our way and we are doing what is right for us.

@Corgy ... no clue why you would say such a thing.


I'm merely sticking up for the blokes still beavering away under a generic Chinese light while they wait, and wait, and wait...... for better photons indicated to come their way for one and a half year.........all the while spending wonga needlessly........

Your analogy with the Veyron is dug up deep.......the Veyron is an existing product, the other "product" ain't.........but kudos for continuing to back GN :thumbsup:

You're absolutely right about bait, it comes in many forms........what they all have in common lies in the word.......lure, deceive, entrap......

  1. 1.
    food placed on a hook or in a net, trap, or fishing area to entice fish or other animals as prey.
    "herrings make excellent bait for pike"
    synonyms: lure, decoy, fly, troll, jig, plug, teaser
    "the fish let go of the bait"

  2. 2.
    variant spelling of bate1.
  1. 1.
    deliberately annoy or taunt (someone).
    "the other boys revelled in baiting him about his love of literature"
    synonyms: taunt, goad, provoke, pick on, torment, torture, persecute, badger, plague, harry, harass, hound, tease, annoy, irritate, get someone's back up; More

  2. 2.
    put bait on (a hook) or in (a trap, net, or fishing area) to entice fish or animals.
    "I used a hook baited with fat"