I can confirm this for you. Yeah it is definately him. Magician. :wiz:

I recently pestered GN about this like a crazy person and what I got was they are going to release information about the units this month and they are going to be released for sale at January. I hope it all goes like that.. I cannot wait!

You need to touch up on your GN terminology bro, I'm fluent, if it says January what they mean is May/June lol

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I guess the next GN Modules dont Need hangers -they just levitate in perfect distance to the 2034:dizzy:
sorry guys but i am saaad about this, Feeling like Jesus on the cross, waiting for release...:goodluck:
You need to touch up on your GN terminology bro, I'm fluent, if it says January what they mean is May/June lol

That's an affirmative......
You need to touch up on your GN terminology bro, I'm fluent, if it says January what they mean is May/June lol

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Got to agree, the wait for hs1 was a real test for my patience, but well worth it in the end.
C'mon I want new gn lights for chrismasss ! Have we got any teasers yet ? Price, wattage, light coverage ? I need something to satisfy my hunger

was told the first units will be bigger wattage/coverage than hs1, after them they planned to release something in hs1 size.
@Corgy waiting for new GN models to buy i forgot what times definiton is

Aye, now that you mention it......actually the referred info was from 17th December 2015 .......The HS2 will likely launch in May 2016, the XXXw unit is due for launch first in March 2016........

I see guys and gals in numbers beavering away building DIY LED's, is there any way those electric magicians could maybe give GN a helping hand so those of us with homebaked photon phobia and forward current allergy can get on the EFFICIENCY gravy train.....just a thought!