Aye, now that you mention it......actually the referred info was from 17th December 2015 .......The HS2 will likely launch in May 2016, the XXXw unit is due for launch first in March 2016........View attachment 670187

I see guys and gals in numbers beavering away building DIY LED's, is there any way those electric magicians could maybe give GN a helping hand so those of us with homebaked photon phobia and forward current allergy can get on the EFFICIENCY gravy train.....just a thought!

Yeah or a non profit HS1 re-built thread where any hs1 wanting freak participates and we work out how to built similar units with most of the used components in hs1, would help to stay on target and bridge the waiting time
Hi All,

Thanks for keeping the hope and humor alive in this thread. We are in the final leg of the journey, not long to go now. The quality and performance we have seen from the latest prototypes are in my opinion the best of anything we have ever produced. I am really eager to share more details now but I think it would be best to hold off until a point that we can release the initial picture's and specs together. Thanks again for the support, more to follow....
Can't wait for the specs and photos! Would make a great Crimbo present to all of us in the GN camp. Laters everyone and hang in there Astronomy Im sure the LED revolution will play out in your lifetime.
Hi All,

Thanks for keeping the hope and humor alive in this thread. We are in the final leg of the journey, not long to go now. The quality and performance we have seen from the latest prototypes are in my opinion the best of anything we have ever produced. I am really eager to share more details now but I think it would be best to hold off until a point that we can release the initial picture's and specs together. Thanks again for the support, more to follow....

Is there a possibility that it will be released this year? Because i was recently close to buy another Led i found worthy to buy, even the price was not really fitting my expectation since i just cant help myself, i want to level up.
But i would not be happy with this decision if you release the new untis like a month later, i'd rather wait a little longer in this case and have my need fitted with the perfect (i know its a big word, to be honest thats what i am expecting compared to the other units on market) gear.
I will be going in to my sixth year growing indoors under led. I have thoroughly studied all the information about led tech. read all the hype, (plenty of that) seen ridiculous price's, looked at various grows done with these light's, and in my opinion, grownorthern has done the research to build the best panel . I just hope that this new serie's is priced low enough for me to buy. :thumbsup:because they will be my choice when available. :cheers:tax time is right around the corner..... and I get money back.:woohoo:
@ClockworkOrange just to confirm to you and others that need/needed a light immediately, we are definitely not going to start selling the new lights before the end of the year (though this had always been the general plan). Our plan now is to have the pre-production prototypes in various testers hands by the end of the year. If the new lights perform for the testers as expected we will definitely be launching for general sale in Q1 2017.