@GrowNorthern That is good to know, makes things clear for me. By the way i got 2 healthy free hands willing to test and would do a live report here if wanted. Have two empty 1,2mX1,2mX2m tents and PLENTY of strains from various seedbanks to go with. If you would like to have me for a test i am happy to do that - i would put my heart in it. Would be nice to have high tech LED meet all natural organix (selfmade ferts..) way of growing. You know you just have to say one word... :thumbsup: and i am ready to go! Could do one tent strictly sativas one indica, one photoperiod one auto and so on...keep me in mind if you looking for a guy ready to go in.
If they ain't out by April I'm going to break into the factory and steal the parts to manufacture myself :cuss: sorry (not sorry) :crying:

Damn you lucky Q! You already have hs1 going!

Edit: Its clear im joking i hope :d5:
If only GN would be PC game manufacturer I'd do preorders and join the beta test group. :cools:

I love how much hype we can cause with these new units again. Testers get theirs at the end of the year you say... well that leaves me plenty time to save up. :2cents::2cents::2cents::2cents::2cents:
How much will new GN lights cost?
What wattage they will be?
Will they please have power switch?
Will they have veg/bloom switch?
More white / red-blue(pink) colour?
What LEDs are in use?
Simple more details as I think we are better to start saving money now.
As testers will put their hands on now...
Can someone share the condition of those HS1's? Translate talks about an LED failure?

Are them units worth it? considering the history / condition. - how much light time can I expect to get out of it / quality of light considering the failure?