@zippi23 the HS1 and HS1 customers have definitely not been forgotten if anything the early adopters will always be remembered for supporting GN while we where trying to do something different from the norm. We are working the bluetooth control solution for the HS1 and a next generation version of the HS1 (mainly to lower the cost per unit and form factor of the original HS1). We stand by the results and the quality of the original HS1 but the tough reality was that the demand wasn't high enough for a small company like GN to produce more units with out loosing money on each batch. No one here was happy about it because we all spent along time working on it but the reality was that we needed to produce units that where higher powered and more affordable to reach a larger market and that is what we have been working on. Once our new flagship line is launched we are going to refocus our efforts on a lower powered digital grow light and our bluetooth control.

I don't mean to hype new products/projects, people ask questions about what we are doing and our aims and I answer them honestly based on the information I have in hand at that time. We not pushing a kick starter or pre orders or pay per click adverts on anyone, this is a forum conversation started by @dirtbag and I am just trying to contribute where and when I can. Yes, if we kept every new project quiet until launch it wouldn't cause any upsets with delays but we have been running since 2009 and if we are not producing unit and telling anyone what we are doing either, that would cause a much bigger upset.
Very well put and your future looks bright with restructuring and trying to meet the masses with great products at a fair price.
Fair play @GrowNorthern

This thread was only ever intended as a place to share in the excitement of what is sure to be a game changing product from you guys.
I know a lot of people are really eager to get hold of one (which is a testament to you guys and the products you have already introduced)

I for one am a happy camper and have nothing but good words to to say- keep up the great work- i certainly appreciate what you do as do very many others.
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Hi all,

Why not contact GN they may give you some basic info on the new light relating to power draw and area coverage. I did and they gave some info along the lines stated and also an expected release date, which is not far off.

Stay safe cain1

I asked too, but still its a long time investment buying new leds and since i (hopefully rightous) expect these lights to outperform any other common led and therefore fit my needs and make me a happy gardener, while beeing available in us and europe (the import taxes are like 20% of items price) i just could not picture me not waiting to at least see whats poppin' up since this lights stuck in my head since i tried to get a desired hs1 when they was sould out. May @GrowNorthern would be so kind to make a quick post for all interested to see whats the upcoming footprints like on the different units an what the new aimed release date could be.

I tell you guys i will be pleased when it finally hits the market, will definitely be a relieve for me, there are so many different lights to compare thats just crazy. I stick to what i think is best for quality and when i look at some grows here there is lush quantity too if one can do it right.

Much love for everyone involved here at AFN really needed the infos found here.
I have been waiting for the new lights for a year already but I would wait for another one still as long as we get a product where the quality comes with a convinient pricetag. After having 2 units of HS1 and my old MS006 still working fine I am more than happy with them. What leds did the orginal MS006 modules have BTW? Epiled, Cree or what? It still seems to rock pretty well as the main work horse of my garden.
I have been waiting for the new lights for a year already but I would wait for another one still as long as we get a product where the quality comes with a convinient pricetag. After having 2 units of HS1 and my old MS006 still working fine I am more than happy with them. What leds did the orginal MS006 modules have BTW? Epiled, Cree or what? It still seems to rock pretty well as the main work horse of my garden.

Epiled and I believe the earlier has epistar LED's bro.

Ms0006 rock, mines still knocking out seriously bright light and producing big girls.

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Those Ms0006 were ahead of there time IMO 700ma high end for the time leds and that upgrade WOW serious power. I would buy a upgraded one in a heart beat
Yeah @dirtbag I got the feeling too. Just burned up a whole grand repairing my car though... Now I am desperately saving them back so I can be ready for the new units. Basicly just asking boss can i pretty pretty please work overtime again? :kissass: