Hmmm, guess the jury is still out on that one...... Never realised the complexities of bringing a LED light to market equals building a space shuttle or nuclear power plant..... No wonder Dutch Passion took the high road!

Why is your HS1's gathering dust?
I'd rather GN reinvent the wheel than the Mars Hydro approach of "which light do you think looks best"?

Nowhere to grow at the moment due to wife's family invading my house at Xmas!
Hi, Ok I will get straight into it, I am not going to have the information promised this month, I am really sorry to everyone who has waiting patiently. We where expecting to have our certification and photometric data completed towards the end of September and be in a position to start releasing test units and product info mid October but it just hasn't panned out that way. Every part is OEM on this new system and the design and manufacture of these part is solely my responsibility, unlike NASA we don't have a team of engineers @Corgy. I know I am not quite going to reinvent the wheel (thanks for the confidence though @conning) but the aim is to produce the best performing wheel and sell it at a price which is affordable for most people which is still a huge challenge considering it needs to survive the growing competition in this industry which the HS1 just didn't manage to do.
I am sorry for being over optimistic with time frames ....yet again, if your in serious need of light send me a PM and I will recommend a good light from another manufacturer.
As a Small business owner I understand the complexities of doing anything to a high standard! I still always underestimate jobs even after 20 years. Rocket Science or not shooting for the stars always takes longer than one can imagine. Good luck GN! Laters

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Heard it's definitely December! Also heard it runs around 250 watts and will equal a 600w hps , just hope all runs smoothly for GN. love there lights.