Aye, it was a joke.......sorry for wasting your time. My 2 HS1 is still going strong, but are starved for some of the bigger brothers that's been dangled in front of 'em for quite awhile.........
In this forum, we don't like to make sweeping statements that a vendors equipment is better than any other. We would rather a balanced view based on real data and compartive grows. Other wise it is considered SPAM.

I think corgy was quite right to point out that they do not even have an active web site.

Would it be presumptuous of me to think perhaps you have some affiliation with this alleged company? As it is your first day and all that.
If that is the case pm me and we can talk business with pleasure.

Your humble servant eP.
@epenguin i have nothing to do with vayola and tbh all led lighting like vayola lumi grow are supplymental light for the evening in big green houses

Vayola did have a website informational vids on youtube, but say again they are more industrial lights.

Havnt a clue why theyve just vanished, what bout people that do have there lights lol gutted

Edit: also i see the vayola ap67 thingy in action, beleive me its super bright, another thing when @Corgy posted that link i was getting on there website, now i cant so thanks @Corgy

2nd edit: Its not vayola its valoya, sorry folks, check em out but more industrial lighting i think.


ZG this is the GN section for GN news and updates. If you would like to post this in the general led section that would be acceptable.. However coming in here to stir the proverbial shit pot whether in fun or malice is frowned upon here. I will move this for you and start a thread in the led section. You can spread the word about them there. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Now... I'm keen on the new GN units!! Any news @TaNg ol' boy?
Yo GN.

I don't want to rush u guys. But what's going on with your new unit. Any new news?!?!
Also will u be selling the new light on your current website?

Cheers yall.

We should have the first final production units rolling out to testers in October, at that point we will release all the specs and prices.

We have been developing a new website but it has been put on the back-burner while there was alot of design work and testing going on, eventually (possibly before the launch) we will move the site to and regardless of the domain there will be vast improvements to our current site before launch.

If the question is more where can you get a unit when they launch; they will be on sale on our website only. We decided after trying to distribute the HS1 that the future for GN is selling straight to the end customer and not through 3rd party retail stores or web stores. The fact is companies need to charge a high mark ups to make room for resales and even some look at the mark up for a 4th party company that are reselling resales. In order to do this your company focus and overheads needs to be 90% sales and marketing and 10% design and technology. We want to focus of the design and technology of our products. I think the original idea marshydro had of a manufacturer selling direct to the end customer is the best solution for a company like ours. Its future proof, competitive and allows to focus on producing the best possible product.
We should have the first final production units rolling out to testers in October, at that point we will release all the specs and prices.


Great news but, may I ask when HS1's will be available again? I'm thinking I really need another in my tent soon!


