My first with Lowes bought products

At the start of the second week I transplanted them in bigger pots. I used Miracle Grow Performance Organics potting soil. Then I mixed up a very small amount of miracle grow all purpose plant food and put about a 1/4 cup at the base of each plant. I water the plants every 2-3 days.

is it a time release soil of nutrients? Its interesting...not sure what is up with the first plant, but the rest look decent enough but some are showing signs of more nutrients needed...are you wanting to use the miracle grow nutrients for this run or are you thinking of trying to get something different based on advice given? I would be running it around half strength at this point. 1/4cup isnt quite enough to soak the medium. Better soaking and drying out period will help increase size. Just make sure you let the medium dry out a fair bit, in between watering cycles.Get to know the weight of the pot while wet and then as it dries out pay attention.
Miracle Grow anything is time released pretty much, there plant food and soils. Now reading through a few times, 1/4 cup straight in transplant hole of MircleGrow plant food is a lot and probably why one has burnt leaves. The reason is when ya water after transplant all those powder nutes are released at a certain time. And when Roots uptake the nutrients it fried it. Also remember the soil also has time released nutrients as well.

Miracle Grow was also not designed for anything like Canna
Miracle Grow anything is time released pretty much, there plant food and soils. Now reading through a few times, 1/4 cup straight in transplant hole of MircleGrow plant food is a lot and probably why one has burnt leaves. The reason is when ya water after transplant all those powder nutes are released at a certain time. And when Roots uptake the nutrients it fried it. Also remember the soil also has time released nutrients as well.

Miracle Grow was also not designed for anything like Canna

lol...i obviously misread how fertilizer is being used try to pay attention after working on renovations for 12 hours...hahahaha :D
(hiding in corner watching all this play out....:rofl:)
Now what I would do if I was using MiracleGrow Organics (which currently I am in coco, but have been doing research on some local stuff and I have a Lowe’s here also) was first off of growing autos my style is seed straight to finishing pot. So let’s say 3gal pot. That eliminates anything stress related to the AutoFlower (now photo plants are different) and transplanting. Oh I would also prep the soil in 3 gal pot first, before planting seed. Pretty much for a few days water the pot and let some water drain through it. That way it washes some of the time released nutrients out and also activating some. Then plant seed and just water feed for a while, remember MircleGrow anything has time released nutrients. Now once plant gets older you will notice some slight yellowing later, that’s the plants taking notes from the fans to make up for something somewhere, which also means it’s not uptaking any from the roots. Time to add the nutrients in the watering.