My first with Lowes bought products

dunno if ur on fone or pc...if on pc, jus hover over ur name at top right, then click on "signature", then jus copy-n-paste the link :thumbsup: if on fone, me have no earthly clue, haha :rofl:
Looks like iPad falls in the no earthly clue category
Welp, i had one of them but i dropped my grinder on it and broke it!
Oh yeah... forgot to mention...

There are a million different ways to grow our favorite weed, and the right way is whatever works for you.

It's just a weed....

For tips on outdoors grows check out some of @Weed Warrior grows, he has it down to a science of growing trees.

I have been growing since 1965 and his outdoors stuff is some of the best I've ever seen.

Oh yeah... forgot to mention...

There are a million different ways to grow our favorite weed, and the right way is whatever works for you.

It's just a weed....

For tips on outdoors grows check out some of @Weed Warrior grows, he has it down to a science of growing trees.

I have been growing since 1965 and his outdoors stuff is some of the best I've ever seen.


oh ya, ww def be growin some MONSTERZ!! :yoinks: buuuut, me won't let on da secret, hehe :biggrin:
Some people over on HOTT sent a link out on this one. I have used miraclegro organics performance with autos. Do you still need help?

I'm trying to read through this quickly. Did you use any nutrients? I'm not the fastest at the draw right now doing a million things at once. Tag me with @MissUniverse so I can get the message and get back to you if this is still going on. I'll help as best as I can. I just got a family member 2 zips off a candy kush with miracle gro performance orangic with maxigro and maxibloom. You should pick up a bottle of calcium and magnesium substitute. I use botanicare cal mag on Amazon for 20 bucks to keep it in range and I ph my water. Water ph is big but maxigro and maxi bloom are pg buffered so if you use those you dont have to ph the water its always got the right ph. Do you have well water/filtered water or chlorinated/tap water? Miracle gro does weird things with chlorinated water.

The secret he uses is simple... and I tell it to everyone....

Its. Just. a. Damn. Weed.


ahaha you got that right buddy!! Give them a few right things and let em grow!! Plenty of easily digested nutrients, plenty of loose easily penetrated well draining proper ph dirt, and then some LST to maximize light exposure into the canopy and win win!! It doesnt have to be difficult to grow beasts under the sun.
ahaha you got that right buddy!! Give them a few right things and let em grow!! Plenty of easily digested nutrients, plenty of loose easily penetrated well draining proper ph dirt, and then some LST to maximize light exposure into the canopy and win win!! It doesnt have to be difficult to grow beasts under the sun.
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Hey man, I'm not very familiar with miracle grow but a quarter cup of fertilizer sounds like an awful lot for young plants!! What do the directions on the package suggest dosage wise?