My first with Lowes bought products

They have free samples, just pay shipping. However I went ahead and bought the bud explosion and the sweet candy (all greenleaf nutrients) you cant go wrong! I spent $40ish and have enough nutes for 3 maybe 4 grows... and i feed heavily
Thank you for the heads up. I will be ordering some of that. Next question, on my next replant can I go with that? Or will changing soil hurt the plant?
Woooohhhhhh, its not soil its nutrients, as far as soil i use 60%ffof and 40% coco coir
I thought you guys were talking about nutrients not medium
Budding plants popped through soil may 20th, the smaller one is 14 days from popping.
Yeah and i have really really pushed nutes, (not recommended) i was putting the product to test. Fed daily for 2 weeks, no nute burn at all. Megacrop, greeenleaf nutrients line is really good for new growers. Although its actually the best nutrients i have ever used! <started growing 1990
Tangerine Dream and Sour Kush