My first with Lowes bought products

um, could ya pass sum o' that over here plz-? me ran out...:thanks:

No problem.... got plenty...


Hey man, I'm not very familiar with miracle grow but a quarter cup of fertilizer sounds like an awful lot for young plants!! What do the directions on the package suggest dosage wise?
It was 2 teaspoons dissolved in about a gallon of water. Then I put about a 1/4 cup of that mixture on each plant. That was less than the directions said. I figured I would give them the bare minimum until I talked to someone more knowledgeable.
It was 2 teaspoons dissolved in about a gallon of water. Then I put about a 1/4 cup of that mixture on each plant. That was less than the directions said. I figured I would give them the bare minimum until I talked to someone more knowledgeable.
if i was you i would wait till they dry and flush. That sounds hot when miracle grow is hot to begin. You will start to see burned tips soon...
is it a time release soil of nutrients? Its interesting...not sure what is up with the first plant, but the rest look decent enough but some are showing signs of more nutrients needed...are you wanting to use the miracle grow nutrients for this run or are you thinking of trying to get something different based on advice given? I would be running it around half strength at this point. 1/4cup isnt quite enough to soak the medium. Better soaking and drying out period will help increase size. Just make sure you let the medium dry out a fair bit, in between watering cycles.Get to know the weight of the pot while wet and then as it dries out pay attention.
I ordered some mega crop nutrients today so it'll be 7-10 days for that to get here.
Stick to the grams per gallon on back of packs and slowly up it until you see light tip burns the back it down a bit and shes in autopilot
All these greeenleaf nutrients full line! My newest plant is flowering at 24 days, usual that would make me mad but its huge! Vegged plenty!
Ahhh ok stoned ass read wrong sorry bud. I would do as @Weed Warrior suggested, he knows his stuff and can actually read:rofl:
It was 2 teaspoons dissolved in about a gallon of water. Then I put about a 1/4 cup of that mixture on each plant. That was less than the directions said. I figured I would give them the bare minimum until I talked to someone more knowledgeable.