Thank you for the background on this male. I thought he looked and acted like a great specimen. He really likes it outdoors here and I can't wait to get him bred to one of the females. I think I will just collect pollen and keep these genetics around a bit for playing with. God knows, that with the way he is developing he should put out copious quantities of pollen.
And yes, I love my Hibiscus as well, If the white flies aren't bad then it's a good summer with lots of flowers. But, typically they are really bad here and I do battle all summer long, just to keep my plants going. A hazard of the location. I also have about 30 different lillies and daylillies around the yard as well and most of those are some stage of flowering now, so it's been a good spring really. Keep an eye out, I may start a thread over in the "Everything Else" forum with pics of the flowers I have.