Indoor My First Entry Into The Dragon Weyrs

Well a decision has been made. I am really going to make this a test grow now. I am going to drop 2 more ET Dragon eggs and run an outside grow as well once they gain a little size and root. Same soil, nutes and care, just good ol sun vs LED. Should be interesting. and educationally challenging as well with the whim of the weather outdoors.

Update #3 Day 1 for ET Dragon #1. I just checked and there is a Little ET curling up out of the cube. Since these are reg autos, this could be either male or female, so I will need it to sex before giving it an appropriate Dragon name. I don't normally name plants, but for this grow I will be naming my plants after dragons in the Dragonriders Of Pern series of books. Seemed appropriate.

As it appears that the next few days may get busy, lets get some basic info out of the way.

Germination: Soak to sink, then 1.5x1.5 rockwool cube in humidity container.

Medium: Soil-----mix of approx 70% Fox Farm Happy Frog, 15% coco and 15% perlite with Myccos added.

Nutrients: General Organics brand veg: Biothrive Grow
Diamond Black
Flower: Biothrive Bloom

Schedule: Plain water for 2 weeks, veg nutes until upward growth stops and bloom nutes to finish.

More to come

Update #4: As of this morning, I have 1 little dragon :DragonMasters:standing up and already residing in soil. I have another dragon which is curling up out of its rockwool and will be above ground this afternoon. I also have 2 additional ET seeds that were soaked overnight, found laying on the bottom this morning, and dropped into cubes this morning. My Shark Shock CBD is also popped and working her way above ground.

More information on the grow basics.

I have just placed an order for a 48"x48"x80" grow tent and a 6" fan and filter combo for smell. (since it seems I will be growing a bit for a while)

This will be lit by 1 96x3 reflector series LED and some supplemental CFL lighting initially. I do still want a 2nd LED and will get 1 at the earliest date possible. But in the beginning the current lighting will be more than sufficient.

The ET plants will go into 3gal pots for the indoor grow but I haven't decided what to do with the outsiders yet.

More to come as developments occur.

Update #5: As of right now, I have 2 ETs above ground, and my second pair are both cracked and working to the surface in their cubes. That is less than 24 hours from the time I dropped them in water to soak, they are cracked and growing, incredible. If this germination rate holds coupled with the speed of sprouting, it makes replacing unwanted males, or adding additional females quickly, a reliable option. The first male to show up in this grow however will be banished from the safety of the weyr to the great outdoors. the first female will go out to mate and produce offspring. Then I will keep popping seeds until I have 2 fems (min) to run for potential indooors.

A great start so far. Pics soon.
Update #6: Here we go, pics day.

ET #1 day 2

ET #2 day 1

ETs 3 and 4 are still working their way out of the cubes.
:DragonSmoke:Baby Dragon's Kick ass....:kusht:
All jokes aside, Thank you GA6 for the opportunity and the "otherworldly" new Icon. I will endeavor to do the genetics and the breeder honor. I will also endeavor to have fun and advance the knowledge base of Dragons into new chapters. Let's see where this takes us

I have also checked on orders as well, tomorrow i should receive my fan and can filter and my tent will arrive Mon.