Indoor My First Entry Into The Dragon Weyrs

All jokes aside, Thank you GA6 for the opportunity and the "otherworldly" new Icon. I will endeavor to do the genetics and the breeder honor. I will also endeavor to have fun and advance the knowledge base of Dragons into new chapters. Let's see where this takes us

I have also checked on orders as well, tomorrow i should receive my fan and can filter and my tent will arrive Mon.
Yum Yum Dragon fun! all the dragons I have grown are gona love it !
It is fun, isn't it? You always get that rush of excitement as you begin a new grow. The unknown is all out there before you just waiting for you to stumble in. I look forward to experiencing this new plant. I have been out of the weed scene for so long every strain is new to me. And so far I likes em all.
Update DAY 14 +/- ET Dragons. This update will cover ETs 1 and 2. these are the 2 currently living in the tent, I pulled a seedling because it was seriously under performing and brought in a different seedling in much better shape. I have an additional sprouted ET baby(day 4) and just dropped another seed to pop. I'm figuring still at least 10 days before any hope of sexing, so I will keep 4 seedlings active until I have 2 females for indoors, and 1 male and 1 female for an outside seed run. They have only received watering consisting of 1ml Bio Root and 1ml Diamond Black to 1.8L of rainwater.

Here they are:
2nd grow may 15 003 (640x480).jpg
2nd grow may 15 004 (640x480).jpg


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2nd grow may 15 002 (640x480).jpg

And the new apartment:

2nd grow may 15 008 (640x480).jpg
2nd grow may 15 009 (640x480).jpg

For your consideration.

Just a quick update on the baby ET dragons. As I stated before, I will keep popping seeds until I get 2 fem for my indoor grow, and a mating pair for an outdoor seed run. With that said, ET #4 popped yesterday. The previous #4 popped as reliably as the rest of these have but the shell never split wide enough to drop(I attempted to get the shell off) and she was doomed. Again though, I am clearly impressed with the germination rate on these seeds. Every seed has popped within 36 hours of being placed in water soak or straight into the grow cubes. Now I just need to figure out how I killed the other 2.

I will update again on thursday which will be day 21 for ETs 1 and 2.

Update Day 22. The little dragons are doing well. They received their first actual feeding about 5 minutes after the pics were taken. Nutrients at low dose as follows, BioThrive Grow 1ml, Bio Root 1ml, BioWeed 2ml, Black Diamond 1ml, CaMg+ 2ml in 1.8L of collected rainwater PH'ed to 6.5. I am pleased with the structure that #1 and #2 are exhibiting and I believe that #2 is sexed and a woman. I will confirmin the next day or so as it firms up, but that's 1 fem, just waiting on #1 to decide it's fate. #3 an #4 are going into pots today and will probably go into the tent until sexed.

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grow#2 005 (640x480).jpg
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grow#2 007 (640x480).jpg
grow#2 008 (640x480).jpg


grow#2 010 (640x480).jpg
grow#2 011 (640x480).jpg
grow#2 012 (640x480).jpg
Just a quick update on an off day. I wanted to chronicle a couple a couple of thoughts and changes. 1st, Lighting has been at 24 hour on, but has now been dropped to 20/4. I will leave this lighting schedule in effect until the ETs finish.
My second observation concerns growth. I went up to check on the tent first thing this morning. I was immediately hit with the sense that ETs 1 and 2 had changed noticeably overnight. I will check them again later and photo to confirm, but they apparently like the nutes and a little dark.
Are those mushies growing in the one pot?

Yes they are. I made the mistake of setting my dirt container outside for the mixing and blending. Spores must have gotten in at that point. I have had these popping in my tropical hibiscus for years now. I always look at it as a sign of healthy soil and have never noticed that the presence has any adverse affect. I just pull them and lay on the surface to return to the earth.